I'm a little stressed and I'm feeling numb
My heart hurts and I think out loud
"What did you get from her that you didn't get from me?"I thought I gave you everything so what didn't I give you
My heart breaks a little the more I think about it
Eventually my own thoughts and rejection feel like lava in my veins
My heart is burning and its melting and it hurts
Does no one understand that it hurts?My world is collapsing and it's falling apart
When did you get to mean so much to me that you breaking my heart would break my world?
I didn't even realize how obsessive I was until it started happening again and againI'd repeat the pattern of documenting your crimes against me
I have a special folder just for you
And now the next one has one for her too
If I find you cheat on her too I report it down dutifully like a soldier fighting a war against your liesBut why is it that after all this I still want my little family back, I want you and me watching TV shows while waiting for blood tests cause I'm too nervous to do a pregnancy test the normal way or I panic that there are false positives cause I work with labs and know that they happen
I just want my family back even if it means having my heart destroyed in the process cause while you are the worst thing to happen to me I still can't help but feel you are also the best too
PoezjaA collection of poems that vary in sadness and happiness, Some are sad and the thought of them hurts Poetry marked mature cause you never know and i like to be prepared But have a look and see if you like I wonder if I can make your heart hurt the...