Day 14 Tuesday, November 14, 2017

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With a fierce, automatic swipe of her fingers, Clarita dug her nails into the smooth cheek of Carl's face, and sunk them deep enough that when he grabbed her wrist and yanked her hand away, it looked like crimson tears of blood swam down his face. He cursed at her as though it hurt—did it?-- and he mounted her so as to grip both her hands and nail them to the lower seats.

"Let me go home, Carl! Let me go home!"

"Why do you want to leave so early! Don't you want to get pregnant? You are human! It is your function too!"

Reproduction isn't my only function. "You raped me..."

He moaned in irritation. "Ooh, come off it. No, I did not. You gave consent--"

"I thought you were just a sterile robot--"

"You thought you gave away your virginity to a sterile robot--?"

"It isn't losing your virginity if it's just to a robot. It's like practice..." But her words were not so sure about that.

Carl was silent. In disbelief.


Carl shook his head, "I know why you want to go home now."

Clarita almost felt relieved thinking he could sympathize and take him home.

Until Carl added—his eyes growing dark under the shadows his tilted skull formed above her, "You want to get me arrested, and tried as a criminal. Or tried as dysfunctional property. Is that it?"

The thought never entered her mind. "No, I just want to buy a day after pill and get away from this nightmare!"

He jumped up with wild fury. "Nightmare! You just said acted like this was the best night of your life!"

Tears swam out. "I didn't think you would impregnate me. I'm so scared." A rush of panic shook her body.

"I can't let you go home and get me destroyed simply because you got ahead of yourself. I will not be punished for your regret. I did nothing wrong."

Her eyes closed and the tears soaked them warm. "Please, please, I beg you, let me go."

His hands left burns around her wrists now.

"Just let me free," she cried.

But before she knew it, she heard something like the rattle of a plastic pill jar being picked up from the car floor, and her eyes snapped wide open and she nearly screamed when a row of pills in Carl's palm (stained by the blood running off his cheek) smothered her mouth, busting the pills through her teeth. She squirmed but he pressed her sides down with his knees and plugged her nose with one hands so she would be forced to swallow the pills. They were gels and suddenly burst. The sensation was instant, an anesthetic that ran down her gums and throat to make them numb, then up the roof of her mouth until suddenly her whole head went numb. The curtains of her eyes shut her down again into darkness.

And as her consciousness slowly faded, the last thing she experienced before it all turned off, was the revving of the car, and the AI software saying, "one-hundred miles to Santa Monica Boulevard." And away the car went, rumbling powerfully, as Clarita lost herself to the blankness of oblivion. 

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