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This chapter is dedicated to writer mohit for voting consistently I'm so sooooory it took me this long to update I have a lot of work to do

Pls read the Author's note at the end of this chapter it's very important
Before we go on that's Emily in a cartoon character when she was sixteen🔺 above

"My dad gave me a box some days before he left he instructed I open it when I turn eighteen"

"So where the heck is it" asked Justin with curiosity

"In my room"

"Well then let's go get it"

"My mum will ask questions"

"Well then we will just have to think of a plan on our way"

Justin didn't let me finish my sentence before he dragged me out of the house shutting the door behind us

We got to the front of my house I got done and ran in

Just as I predicted my mum gave us a nice bathe of questions and I stuck to the plan

"Em,what are u doing home I thought you where going to spend the night at Justin..."

"I justneedtogetsomethings"

"Em I didn't get a..........."

I ran up the stairs as fast as I could before she could complete her sentence,I got the box from on top of my wardrobe and put into my bag pack before taking in a dip breathe to run pass my mum again

"Em what are u doing.........."

"Nothingmum love u bye"

I gave her a fast peck on the checks before running out and getting into Justin's black range rover

"Did u get it?"


We got to Justin's house,when we settled down I started to open the box

The first thing I saw was a letter it was obviously from my dad I could tell from the hand writing  My suspicion was cleared when I saw  from dad to em my treasure
I almost started crying but I held the tears back I'm way stronger than that
I opened the letter and started to read the contents out loud

My dear treasure,
I'm confident that by the time you open this letter you will be eighteein happy birthday sweetie

The book you will find inside the box contains hypothesis and facts about the Bermuda triangle this hypothesis and facts will help you to unravel the mystery behind the triangle

But before you find the key to open the box you will have to solve this riddle as a stone you don't get things that easily

It beats with your heart and a source of life for others what may it be

Look within yourself em you'll find the answer

Your dad

"That's a hard one" said Justin

"Tell me about it"
"It beats with your heart and a source of life for others what may it be,what may it be" I kept on saying the riddle over and over again

Before Justin interrupted my thoughts


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