Harry and tom shared a room at wools orphanage of corse they had to with so many children there there was nothing that could be done, tom hated the idea he despised sharing and things being out of place harry on the other hand was quite the opposite he would even go as far as to try share a bed with tom, he loved people and he loved having friends and pretty much everything thing that tom hated Harry loved, and that's why tom was confused as to why he was so obsessed with this one little orphan. 'It must be his eyes' tom reassured himself while staring at the boy who was awkwardly sat opposite him in their tiny little room; his eyes where bright green but almost impossibly so they where unnatural making him stand out from any crowed. He intrigued tom by the way he spoke and carried himself, he was confident yet held him self back at the same time if that was even possible for an 11 year old to muster. His skin was slightly tan and completely flawless much like his although his was pale and white, which instead of making him look ill it made him look elegant.
Toms eyes where dark brown which could be mistaken for black at first glance his bone structure was sharp and his hair was curly which accented his features even more. Him and Harry looked slightly similar the only difference was the eyes and some other subtle touches. If the matron hadn't seen both the boys being birthed she could have sworn they where brothers.Harry looked up at tom hoping that he would say something, if he was honest tom terrorfied him he had Hurd stories about tom, about him killing rabbits and making the other orphans so scared that they where never the same, they talked about him being strange, being a freak although that only comforted Harry because he was freakish too. He knew that was why he was here it must be who would want him like this; he could hurt people if he wanted and yes he enjoyed it, it made him feel alive.
Although no one could ever know that.Harry was the first to speak' " your names tom isn't it, tom riddle?"
Tom visibly scowled " I hate the name tom"
Harry was confused tom was a common name yes but that is the name his parents gave him, well to Harry that's how he saw it his name was the only thing his mother left him it was all he had.
" what's wrong with the name tom?"His pupils dilated in a malicious way " tell me Harry how many toms do you know, or even better how many times have you Hurd that name"
Then he got it tom wasn't just a common name, it was one of the most common names in the world. he almost felt sorry for the boy but then thought otherwise for having pity on him for such a silly thing. " what would you like me to call you?" he tried but only got one rather disappointing reply
After that reply Harry got the message that the boy wasn't someone that he could please very easily and decided to go to sleep for the night, he gave one last sorry smile and whispered a simple "goodnight then tom, I hope you get a new name soon" as he turned over he missed toms adamant staring.
Tom didn't know what to think everything thing that had happened had only heightened his curiosity. He lay down on his bed 'if you could call it that' , with his eyes still planted firmly on Harry's form; he felt strange around the boy he had never ever felt the need to make a friend although with Harry it was inevitable, he needed to know more and he would find out.
Don't tell them
FantasyA fanfic set back in tom riddles time, where Harry was raised with tom in wools orphanage and both attended Hogwarts together as friends rather than enemy's I do not own Harry Potter or the characters