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They say fear is healthy and keeps us safe
But what if mine aren't healthy?
I fear the night
I fear the new day
I worry I'm not good enough
That I constantly fail those around me
I'm worried for those I love
I want to protect them from pain
I crave  for those times when I realize I haven't panicked or worried about something or someone and just breathed and let go and enjoyed and lived in then moment
No stressing about what I did
No stressing about what I'll do next
No worrying about every possible terrible, paranoid scenario that might occur
No obsessive thoughts
Calmness in my racing mind
No image of the knife on my wrist
No racing heart
No desire to run and hide
No desire to kick and fight
No butterflies in my stomach
No jitters in my legs
No sweat on my palms
No demons  in my head

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