What if.......

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I'm not very well right now
If I'm truthful it's probably the worst I've been in years. I've been fighting this for most of the year and particular circumstances have triggered my fall.
I wish I wasn't like this. I wish the tears would stop coming. I wish the panic would disappear. I wish the guilt could be released in a healthier way. I wish the obsessive thoughts would stop. Nothing it working.
Why do I doubt people, why do I look for the worst, why do I interfere, why can't I trust people. What was it about this that triggered my anxiety to a state that my whole world unraveled and I caused so much pain for so many people. It burns in my mind.
This is me swallowing my pride
Back to December all the time
These days I haven't been sleeping
Realized I love you
I want to turn around and change my own mind.....
fear crept in
I'd go back back in time and change it but I can't
Wishful thinking
I'm sorry. Please forgive me for this mess.

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