"Stop raising your hand"

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So this chapter isn't really like my other funny and weird ones, if you came here just to read those then you go right ahead and skip this. Anyway on with the chapter.

So at Math time we would get badges for the recitation, our teacher would give us this when we answer a question. I would always raise my hand up when I know the answer but, today I just stopped doing this midway. Why? Because I noticed that every time I answer something correctly they would always get mad, my seat mate even told me to "stop raising my hand"

Although I agree that I already have a higher than average amount of badges but every time one of my below average classmates answer correctly they would be cheering, but mine is a series of why's. Now you probably think that I am just over reacting, but don't you think that a not so smart classmate being called "Albert Einstein" is good? And let me add that, that person never brings his books, causes a lot of mischief, make us get yelled at, and most importantly tells them wrong facts? I don't think so.

This made me to believe that people in my classroom didn't like me just because I have too much already and already have high grades, so while my teacher is picking a student, I realised that I won't get called, lost hope and slowly put my hand down and began answering the assigned seat work. I didn't like the continuos whines every time I get a correct answer, so I decided to not do what caused them in the first place. I wanted claps every time I get a right one not whines, I wanted compliments when I help them, and lastly I want to get rid of the expectations they have.

One of their expectations for me is high scores on every quiz, every seatwork, every subject, and every exam. One of my classmates asked me "what is your score?" I simply replied with "15/20" and then she started saying in front of me "YES! I am smarter than you, hahahahaha."

This pissed me off so much but, I kept it in me and never talked to anyone about it. I don't like her anymore after this happened 7x and stopped talking to her. And no I am not jealous, when one of my classmates had a higher score than me she replied with "I got a higher score than you! But better luck next time, I know you can get a higher score" and after she said this I was dumbfounded that a person that I don't talk to often said this to me. This is way more acceptable for me, not only does she give me hope but lets me know that my scores are okay, that I could do better, people would say that I need to keep reminding myself that I did my best but the thing is I would say to myself that my best could have been better. Now put yourselves in my shoes, imagine someone coming up to you and saying "Ha! I got a higher score than you" and he/she started dancing, even though he/she only got 1 point above you and people expect you to get a higher score. Now if you say this like my first example, I'll start to think that I am a disappointment to my teachers, that I wasn't good enough and I wasn't their expectations. I live those expectations because they would laugh at me act surprised or tell their friends that they got a higher score than me.

"I am going to be at the top!"
"I am smarter than her"
"Her score is so low"
"I thought she was smart"

My friend understands me (she's the one that said a line of eight was low). She gets why I feel this way, why? because she went through this too, she gets me.

Basically what I am saying is I don't get the credit I deserve. I don't get high grades out of nowhere, I study. I didn't get Top 4 for no reason, I work hard. I didn't become intelligent for no reason, I focus. I didn't pass projects that came out of nowhere, I sacrifice my free time to do those. This is something intelligent people can relate too. I personally don't consider myself an intelligent person but then again I always compare myself to the superiorities of the classroom.

I just needed to get this out of my chest, it's been upsetting me for a long time now. Just the constant whines I hear everyday is quite tiring. And don't worry the next one is going to be a funny chapter, bye!

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