Chapter 4 ~ Damsel in Distress Saved by the Disappearing Knight

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Chapter 4

Damsel in Distress Saved by the Disappearing Knight

I should have taken Cain up on his offer to help, it would have saved me from aimlessly walking up and down the same hall like an idiotic fool.

My locker was number 339, apparently that was on the second floor in the left wing. But when I used my map to get me to the second floor left wing, it was totally abandoned. Not only were there no lockers, but all the classrooms were locked up and blinds blocked out the windows. 

It was safe to say no students were learning fruits in foreign languages, or the square root of pie in any of these rooms. 

The bell for first period had long gone and so now I was adding a detention to this morning since, if I actually made it to my class before the period was up, I'd be as tardy as they come. 

"You okay?" 

I turned and standing at the entrance of the wing was Luke, the twins friend. I hadn't spoken to him, only introduced when he arrived at breakfast this morning. 

"Um, I'm trying to find my locker." I replied. He chuckled and walked into the hall. "I don't think you will be finding your locker here since ya know, there aren't any here."  

I snorted at his sarcasm and rolled my eyes. "Thanks." 

"Anytime, now what number is it?" He asked. I showed him my card. "Ahh, all the lockers in this wing got moved onto the third floor. Unlucky for you cause all our classes are on the first and second floor since we are in 7th grade. Come on, they are just up the stairs." 

He led me to the large stair case that led to the third floor and he was right, adjacent from the stairs was a wall, and they were lined with lockers, mine being spot bang in the middle. I crossed the small gap between the stairs and my locker, and unpacked what I didn't need. 

"What class have you got?" He asked me. 

"Mathematics." I answered. 


"Mr Astor?"  He nodded and said he would show me where that was. He said a few of his mates were in that class so he knew where it was. Back on the first floor he led to one of the first rooms in the main hallway. 

We knocked, then entered. 

"Luke you aren't in my class. Who is that?"

"This is Audrey, she's new. She was lost, her locker was supposed to be in the left wing but she obviously couldn't find it there. Don't worry Sir, I helped the poor damsel in distress." Luke was smug talking to the teacher, while I was bright red and the class went into hysterics. I glared up at him. 

"What class you got next?" He asked. 

"AP Chem." I read off my timetable. He blew a low whistle. 

"Rough. I'll send Brad a text to tell Logan to come get you,  that class is with him I think." And with that, my 'knight in shining armour' was a knight who knew how to disappear. 

"Welcome Audrey, take a seat." 


As the bell went, I got up from my seat at the table I shared with Logan. "I can't believe you are doing AP Chem with me." he said for about the millionth time. "What class have you got next?" 

"Um," I grabbed my time table from my pocket. "English with Mrs Peterson". 

"Oh you have the twins in that class, come on that should be on the first floor." Logan led me to the main hall on the first floor again, I had quickly learnt that everyone in 7th and 8th grade had all their classes on the first and second floor, the freshman and sophomores went between the second and third floor and the third and forth floor were for juniors. The seniors had all there classes on the top floor. 

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