Corruption {Jimin}

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"No! Stop! Let me go!"

Jimin was nothing but an lab rat to his doctor. He has never felt so hurt and broken before, nor he wanted his life to end like this. His cancer can be cured! Why can't they realize?!

He was a patient once. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer six months ago. He was informed earlier, meaning that he could get rid of it easily and early. His symptoms hasn't shown yet, so he was sure to find a cure.

Later, he noticed that his doctor seemed very suspicious. He kept on saying that the cancer was really effective and he should stay at the hospital. He took more than several blood tests as months passed, which is considered really weird. Pill after pill, therapy after therapy, he felt himself become weaker rather than better.

One morning, Jimin found himself tightly strapped on his hospital bed, securing both hands on opposite sides of the handles, and his feet to each ends. He struggled to free himself, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't really budge. He realized how horrible his doctor was.

The same man held a syringe filled with pastel yellow substance, and a nurse stood next to him. Jimin knew that that was. His father worked as a pharmacist before he passed away, so he knew a thing or two about medicine.

"Now sir. I want you to be calm-" The doctor slowly approached the bed.

"Get that shit away from me!" Jimin thrashed around the bed, trying to escape urgently.

"This will cure your cancer, Mr Park." The doctor tried to convince him.

"I know what that is!" Jimin yelled. "Don't fool me! You were supposed to cure me from my cancer, not kill me!"

"You were never sick." The nurse replied monotonously.


Those words repeated in Jimin's  hurting brain as he stared at her in disbelief. All those months, he believed that he was sick. It all turned out to be a big lie.


"You were never sick, and you simply never had cancer." The doctor repeated.

Jimin's mouth was wide open. He never had cancer? Is he dreaming? If he is, then he would like to wake up as soon as possible.

"Why?" he croaked out weakly. "I-"

"Your blood type is so rare,  the rarest of our kind. You possess the blood type C. You are the only patient who owns it here." The doctor continued.

Blood type C? Is the doctor fooling him again? Of course, he knew that people with blood type C existed, but he never knew he was one of those people. Why didn't his father tell him this before?

"Now, if you-"

"Unstrap me! Please!" Jimin thrashed around yet again as the nurse gripped his hand rather tightly. 

The doctor skimmed through Jimin's arm with his fingers, searching for a vein. Jimin's eyes widen as the syringe's needle got closer. With a hiss, he felt it penetrate his skin, and he feels the cool liquid seep into him. 

He removes the pointy instrument, and Jimin goes limp in defeat as if he fell unconscious. He starts to tremble, lips quivering, eyes not looking anywhere but the ceiling brimmed with fresh tears. He started sobbing quietly in a mix of fear and anxiousness. 

"Lucky for you Mr. Park," The doctor spoke, looking at his notepad after scribbling something. "You'll be living for about a day or two before we see your results."

Jimin listened, but didn't look at him. He bit his lip before he released a wrecked sob. His hopes and dreams shattered into millions of pieces. He dreamed of travelling to different countries, and he even talked with his best friend Taehyung about arranging a trip together.

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