Corruption {Yoongi}

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"Cold. So cold..."

Yoongi strolled in his very warm jacket in the middle of a snowy tundra. He scrunches his face in thought, so deep that he seemingly forgot about the freezing weather. Not a single animal would stay in the unbearable cold, and if one managed to reach it, it would've died in less than five minutes.

With crunchy steps, he blew clouds of warm air, then it cools and disperses. He never minded about it though, and continued marching on and glancing at the snow, seemingly interested in its  whiteness and beauty. He was so lost in thought that he didn't realize he was walking for twenty continuous minutes.

He stopped as he felt the sun shone brighter than the usual. He looks up ahead, and sees a clearing. Beyond was a frozen lake. 'It's thin' he thought. 'If I try to walk, I'll be sure to drown there.'

But something black scurrying towards him  ran through the lake and collapsed, sliding down and stopping at the middle. Its back heaved up and down, tired from its long run. It seemed to him that it might be cat?

But cats aren't supposed to be in tundras, and why was the cat running in the first place? For warmth?

Curiosity took over him, so he tried stepping on the fragile ice carefully. If it was easy for the big cat to cross an entire frozen lake, then he'll try for himself.

When he succeeds, he lets out a breath that he had no idea he was holding. He takes more steps and reaches the cat.

He crouched, placing his warm, pale hands on the animal's still heaving stomach. It rose it's head in alarm and looked at Yoongi straight in the eyes. It was at that moment he knew that he was screwed.

'No way,' He thought. 'It's...'

It's eyes were dilated, and red in pupils. That cat won't last long when corruption takes its full form. 

Yoongi felt his heart pound slower, and his breathing became tenser. He knew he shouldn't have crossed the lake, but he insisted. Now, he'll have to face the consequences in the most painful and tragic way. His body started trembling and he didn't know why. He rarely shivers from anything. He doesn't shiver from cold or fear. The last time he did was when he was five while trying to climb a tree to get his kite.

He felt numb. He felt cold. He was shaking horribly, and his breathing became so horribly heavy he had to put so much effort. He felt his head spin, and he couldn't tell if the lake was shaking or it was him.

Losing control of his body, he collapsed on the ice, jolting as if electricity shot through his body. He wasn't conscious anymore as he felt himself lose his humanity piece by piece. He tried fighting it, but he soon found himself helpless after he felt even colder and wetter.

The lake collapsed as well, and he fell into the lake too. He couldn't fight his corruption anymore, giving up to his fate. As he sank deeper, he closed his eyes slowly, letting the darkness envelop him, falling into an endless abyss.

"So cold..."

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