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Sun is her name, but everyone calls her Sunny. She lives in the beautiful city of Buenos Aires in a nice apartment. From her romm's balcony you can see the landscape of the romantic violet Jacarandas trees blossom during spring time and a relaxing view of the river Rio de la Plata. The day starts early in the morning, the view helps to awake her. She goes out for a run with the light of the morning sun and then goes to work. After that she probably has something to read about her job, or the many courses she's doing. So days are long, but beautiful in it's own way. She enjoys her life, her work, studies, family, friends and time for herself to think. She likes to think in silence and analyze everything. A few times her mother told her "You need to stop thinking, stop analyzing everything and start doing. There are things in life that just happens, life is too short so don't waste time analyzing everything. Make mistakes, sometimes mistakes are the best way to learn" Something she never really understood or pay attention to it....until now.

She has a marketing degree and is always trying to find something new, different and interesting to do. Last time she went on vacation was on 2013 (yeah, long time), her priorities are family, work, friends, and the different courses she's doing about her professional career, so no time for love.

She's almost 26 and kind of worried about that particular number, one of the reasons why she's trying to make a change in her life. She's single, and always been. Nobody shook her heart jet, she never felt in love, a subject that keeps her concern and even more now that the number 30 is coming close.

She never gave a chance to herself, only had 2 dates, and well...let's be honest, they were NO good. Already in the first date in both cases she knew they were not her type, so just lost interest in everything. She needed someone curious, smart, kind, honest, gracious, positive and the most important thing, with an attitude. She has all that, but she doesn't know it jet. She's shy about love stuff. Other than that she's the funny one in the office, the kind one that's always asking if you're ok and trying to help you, always motivating you to be better than yesterday, you know, the kind of boss that you'll love to have.

Her friends are trying to convince her since 2013 to take some time for herself, but the efforts are not working. She's starting to feel lonely and trying to change her life in order to get some time for herself, but she's shy about this kind of stuff, so nobody knows about this. Not even her closest friends. So the analyzer comes in and starts thinking about what she can do in order to get some changes in her life, like going to the gym, getting some new clothes, maybe doing a trip to visit a best friend Eli who's living in Germany will be a good start. So there she is, in a pivot point, trying to get out of her comfort zone and maybe get lucky on the love subject.

December is coming, a month we use to think about what we did in the whole year and what we would like to do in the next one. She's having a great time at work, nobody does it better than her, so she's happy, also friendship is great, same with family, but there's something missing there. That feeling when someone holds your hand and look at you in the eye and you're just gone. You don't know where you are or how you came to that place or even for what. That smile that makes you feel everything is ok even if you know it's not. That person is the only thing she never had before, the one she wants to discover I and the one she's looking for and never had. Also she's a very shy person in this matter (thing that doesn't happen in all the others) a reason why she never had a relationship, a second date (yeah, they never get to the second one) or even been with a man before. But this time, there's something that feels different. So here she comes. Ready for a change, ready to discover whatever will came across to her road.

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