Heartbreak hotel

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The audience was crazy, as well as the two of them. Game over. She was completely lost into him. He won.

"Nice touch with the dress... Did not expect that one... I love velvet dresses. They make me remember beautiful moments..." Bono said from behind her, in the backstage hallway once the show was over

"And how about the girl? You touched her and kiss her and sing to her almost over her lips to remember beautiful moments too?" she said partly jealous and partly flirting as if there were no people in the hallway coming and going

"That was just for her to remember me, don't be jealous, you got an entire song only for you and a proper kiss..."

"Just be careful, cause when the lights go off..." Sun got close "I got turn on" she added almost touching his ear while smiling sensually and grabbing his hand squeezing it "Come with me to the hotel. There's our after party there, but I promise after it I'll have you properly this time" Bono said looking straight at her bright brown eyes.

Bono held her hand and walked with her to the Hotel. At that time, they both were interrupted by producers, friends of the band, staff, journalists, and plenty of people. Bono's eyes tried to follow Sun to not lose sight of her, but it was just impossible, since everyone tried to talk to her as well. It was the first time he wanted the "Farewell leg tour" party to be over.

Suddenly Bono lost sight of her until he saw her sitting alone on the restaurant's balcony

"Are you ok? I feel you different today..." Bono asked knowing that there was something going on "Take this key and get to my room, wait for me"

"I believe there was someone else waiting outside your room" she said opening the door to see his blue eyes

"They usually just appear out of nowhere. Hotels, bars, restaurants, etc" He answered, "Why do you ask?"

"Cause I... I just... I think it wasn't a good idea coming here" She said and turned around to leave

"Where are you going?" Bono grabbed her arm and turned her around "You wanted to talk about a model, a hooker or a fortune hunter standing outside my room or about something real?" He asked "Cause I don't think you came all the way here to lecture me..."

"Do you really wanna know?" She replied standing outside the door in the hallway

"I wouldn't even bother to make you come here, don't you think?"

"I just realized I was wrong. Really wrong. Cause your life is an entire mess. This means nothing to you"

"What? We went separate ways you were recording your album I was on tour. This shit happens. It was a few weeks, we need some time. But don't make a whole situation out of it. Life's already a mess to make it even more complicated. I don't know what's wrong with you"

"Actually, what is wrong with me, was having sex with you last time"

"Wow. Really? What happened to you?"

"Someone happened" She replied

"So you fucked someone else? Is that it? I did as well"

"That someone is something we made. But as I told you before, we are both so different now... Maybe we're not ready" She said "I left an envelope over the table. Maybe you'll get it when you see" She said and left as Bono was standing still in the hallway totally confused.

She closed the door and indeed, the envelope was over the table. He was tired and pissed that they fought for something stupid... He grabbed it and as soon as he saw the first page, he understood what she tried to say. Bono grabbed the letter, putt it in his pocket and ran to the hallway

He reached her just as the elevator door was closing with her inside, but his hands stopped the doors from closing. He didn't speak. Neither she. Sun just stayed still as Bono got on both his knees and hugged her tight. She cried. He did as well. She caressed his short hairs tenderly and he still hugged her tightly on his knees. He kissed her belly as a tear felt over his cheeks.

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