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"Oh my fucking god. I can't feel my eyes" Sun said as she waked up "Were are we?" Sun asked looking confused

"You don't remember?" Eli asked

"Yes. I remember everything and then I just had blackouts of the night" She said frowning

"So until what part do you remember?" Eli asked

"Until we sat in the bar. Then I kind of passed out?" Sun asked frowning again

"Well, kind of. You remember what's important and that's great." Eli said and continued "After sitting on the bar you lasted 5 minutes and then you puke your heart out in the toilet. Bono holded your hair and caressed your back the whole time and then he charged you here" Eli said winking her eye

"Oh shit. I puked?"

"Hell you did girl. Even what you had for breakfast a week ago"

"Oh lord. So he charged me to where actually?" Sun asked and took a look around

"Well this is his room" Eli said

"His what!!" Sun said with a look of despair

"His room. But chill, nothing happened. He just brought you here and put you in bed so you could rest. I slept here with you all night. He slept on the couch. He wouldn't let us go alone, especially with your state last night"

Someone knocked the door

"Can I come in?" a voice asked from the other side of the door

"Don't let him in. Wait until I tide myself" Sun said as she went running to the bathroom

"I am on the other side of the door you know...so I can hear you girls" Bono said smiling from the other side

"Who is there?" Eli asked

"It's me, Bono" he replied. "I brought some towels, shampoo, soap and stuff for you in case you wanted"

Eli opened the door "We do need them, more than want them" Eli said as she took the cleaning gear and closed the door behind, but Bono's hand stopped it from closing.

"You're welcome." Bono said with a smile on his face "How is she?" He asked

"Well... She's with a hell of a hangover, but ok" Eli said

"She remembers about last night?" Bono asked looking interested

"She told me she remembers everything until you both sat in the bar. Then there's nothing" Eli said

"Ok then...So she remembers about our chat in the hall..." Bono said thinking out loud

"She does, yes. She forgot what she had to forget, which is the toilet part" Eli said laughing

"Ok then... Thanks" Bono said as walking away "If you need something else, just ask for it" He added

"It was him?" Sun asked full of curiosity

"Yeah. He brought you this. So let's get decent for Christ sake, because we look like we're just gotten out of jail" Eli said

"Oh... I can see" She said looking herself at the mirror "Did I look like this last night?" Sun asked frightened

"You did girl...And you were everything but sexy...He was there beside you when you vomited the hell out" Eli said

"Oh Jesus, really? And you where there?" Sun asked surprised

"Of course I was!"

"And you let him see me that way?" Sun said a little bit angry

"Sorry...I didn't know you liked him..." Eli winked

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