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Marianna's pov

It has been two weeks since i saw that stranger, madame Claire's important guest. I really dont know how he manage to occupy my mind ever since i saw him but he have been giving me sleepless nights. There's something about his eyes that is so attracting. When i got closer to him that day, i discovered that he had deep blue eyes and i couldn't take my eyes off them and was so thankful that madame Claire didnt catch me starring, she was busy looking at his face too if not i know i would have lost my job that day and i can not afford to go jobless.

Am currently in my house, i just got back from the inn and am so tired to cook so i ordered Chinese. After about thirty minutes, my meal was delivered, i paid the guy and immediately start digging in as i was famished. When i finished eating i went to the bathroom to take my bath then changed into a baggy shirt and shorts, i was so sleepy to the extended that i literally pasted out immediately i lay on my bed.

I woke up with the irritating sound of my alarm.urrrrgg so annoying, i just had to drag my self out of the bed. I did my daily routine and got myself ready for work.

As usual, am early to work but still receive death glares from madame Claire. I no longer bother my self on why she does That, i don't really care anymore. I almost got through the day at the inn, i am about to close my shift, so i was cleaning the tables when a middle aged man came towards me, he was looking professional in his suit and he was also looking nice. "Good evening mam" he said with his deep voice. "Hello how may i help you?".i asked him politely with a gentle smile. "I have got a letter for you".i gave him a questioning look but before i could say anything he continued "its a royal letter sent to you from the king him self, requesting your presence in a very important occasion that will be taking place in the king's estate. I'll be back by tomorrow for your reply." With that he handed me the letter and left, i was dumbfounded i couldn't process what i just heard, king, party, me, estate. "How?" I simply mumble to myself. I was shaking, my knee gave in and i fell to a chair. Thank God madame Claire was away, oh God please help me. I gasp when i remembered something, i have only a day to make my decision, uurrrrgg what will i do now.

After sometime, i managed to get up from the chair, i couldn't continue my work for today, i have to go home right now. I rushed to the back, got changed and went home. There's something unusual today, oh! I see the streets are quiet, no drunks, no escorts, nobody its just me. I walked for sometime and i was later having a feeling that am been followed, immediately i panicked, i was so scared to turn around so i took off, i ran as fast as my leg could go. I didn't stop running until i got to the door of my house. I stopped to catch my breath. I snapped when i remember why i was running, i looked behind me to see if anyone was following me but there was no one. My hands were shaking and i fumbled with the key to open my door, after so many attempt without success, i stopped to take deep breaths. I counted one to ten to calm my self, then i finally opened the door, i got inside and lock back the door.

God! I was so scared , I've never been so scared in my entire life. I didn't want to dwell on that so i quickly peel my cloths off my body, i took my bath, brush my teeth then i went to bed. Am so grateful that i was able to sleep, i slept peacefully and forgot all about today.

I woke to the sound of birds singing gloriously, its a beautiful morning and i feel good. Hmmm i don't think I've ever slept this long in my entire life.' So what do i need to do on this fine day?'. I thought with a smile on my face. Then it stroke me like thunder, work work work work work, oh my God i need to work!! Wait time! I looked at an old analogue clock on the wall that still manage to function and discovered that am eleven minutes late already.... Ok am definitely dead already. I jumped from the bed and moved straight to the bathroom, i washed my face, brushed my teeth, managed to find something decent to wear then i practically ran to the inn.

By the time i got to the inn i was already dripping from sweat, i stopped at the entrance to catch my breath. But when i looked up i saw that madame Claire is already waiting for me with her face displaying the highest form of fury, she looked like she was ready to kill and i know that it is because of me. I have never been late to work but today was a different case.

I stood straight and walked to where madame Claire was sitting, "madame C am so sorry for coming late,please i promise that it wont happen again please".i begged not even minding greetings, she looked at me from head to toes and said "morning to you too Marianna,you know i don't tolerate lateness. We had a deal that your shift starts by ten but you broke the deal,which means you are FIRED!now go to your locker,pack your filthy things and leave this place NOW!". she spat those words at my face. "hahaha bad joke madame C,bad joke." Now it was her turn to laugh "am not joking you idiot, I've been looking for ways to get rid of you because you are so useless and irritating now get out of my sight!".i couldn't stop the tears that was falling from my eyes, i couldn't control it i was too weak to beg her anymore and i was speechless and hurt. I regained my self asap and went to the back where my locker was, i packed the few things i own i rushed out of the inn as i pass i could hear other workers whispering, some pitied me, some laughed at me while some just didn't care, when i stepped outside the inn, i stopped to feel the breeze blowing pass me.

I later stopped crying and walked home and on my way home, i was thinking about everything ,I'll have to get a new job to keep me going. The little savings with me wouldn't be enough for about three weeks, i need to find a new job fast..... After thinking for some time, i fell into a deep sleep on the couch.

I was awaken by the knock on my door,i was surprised and frightened ,who would be looking for me. I stood up from the couch leaving my sleep behind then i tiptoed to the door, when i opened the door i gasped. It was the man i saw at the inn yesterday, he has come for my reply.

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