Not The Fly Swatter!

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Sera's P.O.V.

     That's when all hell broke loose!

     I smashed the window with my foot causing glass shards to fly everywhere.

     I took no time to waste and started raining down fire balls on Thanos' head.

     Other people were firing at him to but I was to focused to think about them. 

     "Die!! Die!! Die!!Die-........" Slowly I turned my neck to face Loki. His eyebrows were up in shock and mouth hung open. I breathed my hair out of my face in a huff. "What?" I asked accusingly, he shook his head quickly.

     I rolled my eyes and followed him out of the house. We rushed down the creaking stairs leading out of the apartment complex.

     We jumped onto the pavement and darted over to where Tori was standing. "What can we do?" I asked, sliding to a stop beside her.

     Her frame was firm but soft blue crystal eyes looked into mine before Loki spoke up. "I have an idea." He grabbed my hand in his and tugged me off towards the fighting.

     "Run." He muttered to me, dashing behind a building piece to hid from Thanos' line of sight. My eyes widened and a blast from Falcon shook the dirt off the wall above.

     "Are you crazy!!?" I exclaimed, yanking my hand out of his grasp. He looked back at me shocked and annoyed. I didn't care. "We're supposed to be running away from the danger not towards it!" Another blast shook the earth at our close proximity and I let out a yelp.

     Suddenly I felt two comforting hands on my shoulder. I looked into the deep green eyes in front of me and saw some form of care held within them.

     "No we do not run away we fight!!" He said, pulling my closer as yet another blast hit. He leaned down so he was inches away from my face and brushed a piece of hair from my skin. 

     "Because that's what hero's do." 

     I let out a scoff and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I didn't resist as he tugged me further into the building before us. "Come on!" He complained, pulling at my arm for my to go faster.

     "You have no idea how corny that was." I mumble whined, trudging my legs along behind him.

     Once I payed attention to where we had stopped my eyes widened and I covered my mouth as not to scream. We were 10 feet behind the mad titan before us and he was getting crazy mad!!

     Loki looked at me and studied me to see if I would freak out. "What the heck did you bring me hear for do you have a death wish?!?!" I whisper yelled, though he ignored me and only walked closer.

     My eyes narrowed at him in annoyance. "Loki?" I whisper yelled again, still gaining no response. 

     I grumbled in defeat and threw my arms across my chest. He had disappeared from my line of sight because in my fear I had taken a few steps backwards.

     The frustration slowly fading, I felt a scared and cold feeling crawl up my spine. I let out a shaky breath and saw my carbon dioxide turn into a cloud puff.

What if something happened? What if he got hurt or taken???

     My mind swam with images of the worst of events. Though it was soon satisfied when he came back, glowy thing in hand.

     "What's with the glowy thing??" I whispered as he drew closer. He looked down at his hand and back up at me before he held it up. 

     "JJJJEEEeeeperzzz!!!! TH-That's the Tesseract!" I whisper screamed at him, pointing at the blue glowing cube in his hand.

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