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                             IT WAS midnight and there they laid, underneath the stars

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IT WAS midnight and there they laid, underneath the stars. the cold air chilled their once warm skin, causing it to redden gorgeously. the stars were bright outside of the city the two girls lived in. genevieve, laid against the soft plump leg of her girlfriend, whose name is kim. the darkness of the atmosphere around them was soothing. every night after a long day of courses, the two would sneak away to the outskirts of town, where the light slowly disappeared and the string of stars were easily visible.

"gene, are you cold?" the tired girl exhaled through her mouth, a ghost of white smoke escaped. "no, you know i'm cold blooded, kim."

"i also know that you're constantly sick because you think that you're invincible to the elements." kim gently placed her hand on the base of the younger's neck, ever so gently. causing goosebumps to appear due to the sensitive and coldness, "i don't want you to get sick, sweetie." the deeper brown skinned girl chuckles softly as she smiles, swiftly hopping off the back of kim's obnoxiously yellow colored truck that made the town cry in horror as it cruised by with music from oh my girl blasting from the old speakers.

the dewed over grass made the soles and sides of genevieve white leather converse become covered in grass and dirt. kim slowly follows behind, watching with curiosity as fire flies passed them with such bliss.

college was stressful to the two, and everyone attending the fairly large university was stressful, bags under their eyes from too many long nights of constant studying. or, bursting with energy from caffeinated beverages and sometimes even drugs.

essays and lengthy art projects was pulling on genevieve's last nerve strings and soon she'd snap. taking care of her early teen brother due to her mothers work schedule, when she wasn't nose deep in her textbooks or rubbing soft lips with kim, she took her of her brother. buys him food, nags him about his overflowing homework and make sure he's not sneaking girls over to brag about his new drum kit. the boy sucks, hardcore.

the sweet, tall kim with baggy legged pants, odd patterned crop tops and light olive toned skin battled with her parents. they loved her truly, but their constant close minded questions made her want to pull out her short bobbed hair with a random green stripe towards the bang. kim, much like genevieve, are lesbians, fully proud.

the label and their race difference sometimes caused a lot of weird looks.

"kim, you're such a slow poke." she grasps the girls hand and smiles, "use those long legs!"

"it's midnight, and we're walking aimlessly through the woods, babe. i'm being cautious." gene's adorable rosy, chubby cheeks become plumper as she smiles.

"you're being paranoid. i know where i'm going, pinky promise."

kim snickers, "you aren't exactly queen of directions, honeybun."

"— i got us to new york that time" the asian girl smiles, "after you got us lost like ten times, or was it eleven?"

the younger girl rolls her eyes, pulling her girlfriend closer for warmth and instant comfort. it was kim's idea to go on a road trip and genevieve made it happen with a car full of gas, snacks and some new film for her older model polaroid so she could capture kim and all her beauty. it was an extra long drive but it was worth it.



"y'know i love you, right?" the chill air was getting colder by the second, as minutes begun to past, "i love you, sweets!"

they had only walked a few minutes away from the truck, and in the short distance, a diner popped out of nowhere in kim's head. "i've never seen this place.."

"it has the best pancakes, kimmy."

the two sat down in a booth fit for six, the latter wanted to mention how she could have drove instead of them walking into danger territory at midnight, but that was one of genevieve's traits — adventurous, emotional and a sweet ball of sunshine.

the goal of the night was to forget about the things that were stressing their brain until permanent hiding, family stress, college assignments and so much more. but tonight was eventfully perfect. just the two of them, spending sometime underneath the warming glow of the stars in silence, only with their breathing supplying a slight noise.

a plate of tall stacked pancakes were sat in front of both girls, gene's shoes were off, her thick fluffy socks exposed and lying firmly on kim's lap with the girl gently massaging genevieve's calf by pure accident as they ate the fluffy goodness covered in sugar and tons of butter.



"you're beautiful. i don't tell you that every often but, you're so fucking beautiful." a soft pink blush ghosted against the girls fairly light skin.

they are, found the truck and played music as kim drove her sweetie pie home, it was late and she knew the girl had homework no matter how hard she protested that she didn't. she kissed her goodnight and drove off after she was safely inside, probably walking up her fur covered stairs.

going home was the last thing kim wanted — she would have preferred any other possible option.

all lights in the house were off, dark as the inside of a abandoned cave. the keys jiggled as the front door opened and the loud clearing of a throat almost made her jump out of her skin.

"mom? why are you up so late?"

the woman with soft wrinkles upon her face, frowned, "its late, kim. where were you?"

"— with gen"

"at midnight?"

she couldn't contain the attitude in her voice, such a simple conversation always took a turn for the worst. "doing what?!"

kim didn't say much, she just continued to eye the stairs in the distance, the stairs that lead to her bedroom. her palace.

"are you having s—?"

"what? no. look, we out to grab a quick bite to eat, that's it, okay? i'm sleepy and tired, i want to sleep."

her mother sighed, slightly shaking her head, "i don't like that girl, kim. i—"

"i'm not listening to this tonight, mom. i'm a lesbian girl, just please get that through your head." and she tiredly dragged herself to her room without looking over at the woman who tended to look at her as if she had six head coming out from her neck.

kim plopped onto the bed once locking and slamming the door behind her.

"good— fucking night."

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