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            COFFEE FLOWED down genevieve's throat as her and accompanied best friend, kai perry watched as people walked past the small cafe in the small isolated corner of downtown

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            COFFEE FLOWED down genevieve's throat as her and accompanied best friend, kai perry watched as people walked past the small cafe in the small isolated corner of downtown. a warm thick scarf covered gene's brown button nose, kai says, "it's freezing outside." the more people opened the double doors to the cafe, the more cold wind flies into the shop, causing more rising bumps to appear everywhere due to adaptation to the weather.

"how's kim? is she doing alright?" kai asks, moving her wavy hair out of the way of her dark green eyes that almost took the color of forest moss, oddly. "she's good. stressed. classes are really kicking our asses this semester." kai hums in agreement, a lot the professors gave out too much homework with the accusation that we didn't have anymore classes or homework to complete, so having a six page paper due the following wednesday was expected to be finished and toned to perfection. but we all have numerous classes with the same, or similar amount of homework. it's unrealistic.

"college is just taking the money that no one truly fucking has and stressing us into dust. ever since i started this semester i've lost ten pounds and i have bags under my fucking eyes." she sighs, taking a shot of her coffee that was probably becoming too cold. "— shit i barely have time to breathe, man."

genevieve agreed, mostly everyone agreed. being a young adult, willing to get a secondary education to hopefully be provided with a higher paying job than average was really taking a huge chuck of everyone's sanity. one of kim's friends had to withdraw from the university to get treatment for substance abuse, she relayed on drugs in order to finish assignments, attend class and other necessities to live — an averagely fulfilling life. that girl, genevieve remembered her name being cassidy, was a sweetheart in high school. the firm hands of her parents sheltered her from it all, until college rolled around and took the last of her innocence that she owned. she wanted to explore, experiment, now her scholarship is gone and she's lost a handful of her mind to drugs.

"i told you to not enroll in six classes, kai! you even have an eight a.m class, no wonder you're dying a slow death." genevieve rolls her eyes, swiftly checking her phone to see if her sweet beauty had messaged her, she hadn't.

"at least i don't have a night class, gen. who does that shit?"

"it was only available at night, all the other classes were full, dumbass. can we leave? i need actual warmth, that's constant." the two huddled out of the cafe like a group of nude bears trying to create warmth from their bare skin. the air irritated genevieve's nose, transforming her into the red nosed reindeer that helped assist saint nick every year for the celebration that's called christmas. kai hooked her arm with her friends as they hurried to the car with the infamous dent in the back that alberto caused when gene tried to teach him to car because they were bored. the dude bumped into the mailbox from their older neighbor — mrs evans with the patched over eye due to an accident one new year's.

"where to?" she asks, watching kai fasten her seatbelt. safety is key. always. and forever.

"it's your car, genie." she didn't know where to go, honestly she just wanted to keep warm. the small car took them up the road, to the left and ten miles due north, they admired the scenario as autumn trees were now becoming naked and slowly dying of hyperthermia. people were on the small trail in the county over, walking their dogs and jogging with the wind. "isn't it too cold to be out exercising?"she mumbles,

kai chuckles, "says the girl that never exercises."

the two rode in silence after that, watching as the leaves slowly fell, crashing into the ground, possibly dying from impact. it appeared to be raining leaves, "it's beautiful" gene whispers, focusing on the road as she turned down the upcoming street that took them immediately into the middle of town. genevieve just wanted to drive, she didn't have a destination that her heart said to go. kai simply turned up the radio and they enjoyed the time that wasn't spend behind the desk of a classroom with a nasally teacher breathing too loudly.

kim was just coming from class, her eyes were sore from being open way too long and the nerves in her fingers ached from prolonged note taking. the heavy bag on her shoulders were bending her spine. "bed, here i come." when she got into the house, she was stopped in her tracks from her father in his study, small glasses siting on the narrow bridge of his nose, and a book in his hands, gently caressing the spine. "kimmie?"

"hey dad" she mumbles, peeking her head in the office, she could tell by his curious expression that he wanted to talk — she wanted to sleep. "come in, let's talk."

her legs collapsed against the edge of the fluffy couch that smelled like lavender. "how's school, kiddo?"


he smiles, "i see, drinking too much coffee isn't healthy though, kim. anyways, uh, how's gen-genevieve doing? i haven't seen her around recently, is everything, y'know, okay between you two?" she felt like a confessed puppy, she was surprised her father even remembered her girlfriend's name.

"she's good, we're good. w-why are you asking?" the girl's almond shaped eyes squinted under the dim light in the room, he sighs softly, "i heat you and your mother arguing sometimes. i— i just want you to know that your mother loves you, she's just not as open as you are, she wasn't raised that way and it's going to take some time for her to get a good understanding"

kim felt like rolling her eyes, which she did inside her head, she nods, "she looks at me like she's disappointed" the slightly tall man stands up, moving himself over to the couch. he gently talks her shoulder.

"just give her some time sweetie, i've been trying to talk to her. i'm sorry she's a bit judgmental at times."

"a lot at times, you mean"

the man looks over at his daughter, whose wiggling her fingers with a hint of pink swirling about her face. "she's not. i'm not. as long as you're happy and comfortable, we are. i actually really like genevieve, she's smart, sweet, really likes you. i can tell. just don't mind your mother, i'll talk some sense into her." her father's method of talking sense into another individual was spitting out facts, or appearing to pathos. kim disliked hearing her father spit facts, hearing his voice too long in one sitting made her ears go into hiding. she smiles and slowly stands from the couch.

"i need sleep dad, enjoy your book four eyes" and she scampers down the hall and into her cold bedroom where blankets were waiting to be laid upon with great joy. the layers of knitted yarn made her feel toasty and closer in spirit to her late great grandmother on her father's side who enjoyed knitting with a passion and sometimes even knitted blankets for the orphanage a few miles away for the abandoned kids whose parents didn't want them, or couldn't take care of them for numerous reasons. before kim went to a wonderful cloud of dreams, she took out her phone and sleepily messaged genevieve.

kim: i love you, gen! x

her light colored eyes transformed into peaceful crescent moons as she fell asleep with the blankets clustered under her cheeks.

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