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              THE BROWN GIRL woke up with the sun shining so bright through her thin curtains. the sound of birds dissipated into the distance on a few houses down. genevieve didn't want to go to class, cook breakfast nor make the extra trip to her younger brother's middle school. her mother worked long and exhausted shifts, so she took the part of morning duty when her mother looked like a zombie with a side of death.

"berto! wake up little bud!" her voice bounced off the thin walls, finding its way to the boy's ears. "— if you're late, i'm late. and i refuse to be late."

the boy hopped out of bed, they ate breakfast and piled against the art supplies taking all the room in genevieve's small car. "after school, get home and clean your room, that shit stinks like sweat and — whatever else gross junk that's growing mold from underneath your bed." alberto, the thirteen year old with stings of dark colored hair peeking from the bare ness of his face, scoffs and crosses his arms.

"fine, whatever. gen?"


"i really miss seeing mom. i know she's working to make sure we're feed. but, i miss her y'know." a soft chill peaks from the broken wind, chilling their dense bones. the sun sparkled like a fancy disco ball, radiating a small bit of warmth. the atmosphere in that car was odd, almost air tight as she slowly approached the school where tons of little skater boys were skating on poles and trying to hit on the small innocent girls who weren't used to the attention of a boy. "pay attention in class, dweeb. no stupid tricks on your board please! i'm not going to the hospital today"

"thanks mother. don't lose your tongue down your girlfriend's throat!" he yells as he takes off on his board, towards his friends with a smile on his face.

it made her happy, knowing her growing brother had a close bond with numerous people, when she was a kid the others found her odd, weird and some even gossiped that she smelled like cheese.

her slender fingers tapped her steering wheel as she slowly drove upon chaser lane, where kim lived - approximately half a mile away from where she parked her car. the wrinkly woman was still home, making a breakfast for only her as she waited for her daughter to come downstairs. kim sighs as she opens her curtains and unlock her window, waiting for her fairy like love to climb through like every morning. they'd wait for the dragon of the house to leave with a unsatisfactory frown.

they'd sit on the bed, staring at each other with one of kim's older brother vinyl's playing loudly from the player — sebastian, had left them all for her while he was away in hawaii for training. sometimes genevieve would make them both breakfast with kim's hand hooked underneath her belly.

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