Chapter 2: the card clues

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Knuckles pov

The first clue

It was all my fault I should've left him alone...but....I haft to find Sonic before that quack does something horrible to him....After I dropped off our child I saw the first note pinned to the tree with a knife...

I read it allowed when no one was looking:

To the Guardian: I here is the first clue....the heart was usually a sacrificial memento of the alter of Andre-Hella: the Three of Spade....

That quack is not making any is that even a clue....*I thought and thought and then it hit me* the Andre-Hella is the name of the alter that was based upon the one who raising hell..... that's when I found the three of spades card.... that's when I saw the abandoned church where the alter of Andre-Hella is....I felt so numb between my knees....but it's for Sonic sake....I went inside as I saw another note at the alter itself I picked it up and read it allowed:

To the Guardian: this is another clue from the one who has your wife and unborn child: the rose in the garden is the most beautiful center piece of even the most prettiest of gardens: The Two of Diamonds....

I looked at the garden in the backyard and saw only a pure white rose's weird that garden hasn't bloomed a single flower in years....unless....that's when I saw a second rose that was also white but....I noticed something the two were painted in alternative in blue and the other was in red but that red.....was not paint.....its blood.....*I ran towards the 2 roses*.....oh my has to be Sonics blood....then I saw another message from that quack.....I picked it up and read it allowed:

To the Guardian: this is another clue from the one who has your wife and unborn child: a crypt that can hide a real bloody secret: the Six of Cloves

I looked at the cemetery that was not so far from here.....when I entered it.....I spotted an old crypt.....I ran towards it and saw another note which I hope is the last one....I picked it up and realized it was covered in blood and read it:

To the Guardian: this is the final clue from the one who has your wife and unborn child: a little soul suffering in a crying glass you get it yet?: the Queen of Hearts...

That's when I figured out in I ran into the eyes widened in horror to see Sonic bound and covered in scars....I was in fear but I ran towards him and yelled, SONIC!! *I kneeled down and started to untie him*...your safe now.....he looked up to see me and whispered,*I finished untying him and picked him up and made a run for it I swear that quack will pay for this* we ran out of the cemetery but that quack Dr. Finitevus managed to caught up with us.... Sonic looked at me with fearful eyes and whispered, I'm so sorry....he said he kill me and our baby.....if I tried anything.....I'm scared....I was feeling guilty but I said, listen it was my fault for leaving you.....I shouldn't wondered off like that.... Sonic looked at me with worried eyes and said, Knu....ckles.... I said as I put my wife down and told him, listen I know your hurt but you need to go get help.... he looked at me with sad eyes and whispered, Knuckles I..... I whispered, I know I do too..... Sonic ran off weakly....but that lunatic while he grinned appeared and said as he laughed, well isn't this a nice surprise.... I said while angered, what is it that you want you crazed up quack?.... Dr. Finitevus said as he grinned, well I wanted you acourse.... I turned and blacked out the last thing I saw was him walking towards me....

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