New Friends

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A/N I don't own Yugioh

Yugi and the girls sat on the bench. Yukari sat across from Yugi, Yuri sat beside him, Becky sat beside Yukari and Trinity and Jenna sat on top of the bench table eating their ice cream while Yugi drinks his shake.

"So tell us what happened?"

Yuri insisted.

"Well its not really a happy ending"

"Don't worry we won't judge"

Becky said sincerely.


"Hey you guys wait up!"

Yugi happily yelled running up to his friends who all had their back towards him.

"What do you want shortie?"

Joey asked annoyed. Yugi was taken back by the attitude.

"Let's cut to the chase here, Yugi we don't want you hanging out with us anymore. We don't ever want to see you"

Yami said angrily.

"What why?"

"Tea told us the truth about what you really think of us. So it would be best that if you feel that way towards us then just leave us alone"

"What are you talking about? I never told Tea anything?"

"Don't even try and pinned this whole mess on her, this was your own doing"

Tristan said crossing his arms. Yugi had his head down trying to make sense what's really going on.

"Let's just go guys before he starts to cry"

Bakura said, they nodded and began to walk away, until Yugi spoke up.

"So your just going to ignore me at home too Yami. What would Grandpa think?"

Yami turn to look at Yugi with a glare

"Quite frankly I don't care what he thinks, if he kicks me out then i am more than happy to leave. I should have left to the afterlife but I thought this life would be best for me but I was wrong"

Yami said walking away with the others leaving Yugi alone.

End of Flashback

"That was cold"

Jenna said

"So that's what happened"

Yugi said sadly. The girls looked at Yugi with sympathy but each one of them had a question.

"Who's Yami?"

Yuri asked

"He was once a spirit living inside a millennium puzzle. He was my best friend, we faced a lot of challenges together, until one day he had the choice to either go back to the after life or stay here with in the modern world. You girls might think I'm crazy huh?"

"Nonsense. We'll let you in on a little secret, we are actually witches, spellcasters, magic whatever you want to call it"

Trinity said with a smile. Yugi looked at all of them surprise but despite everything he been through he actually believes them.

"Who's Tea?"

Yukari asked.

"She used to be one of my best friends, she was the one telling them lies about me. I confronted her about it and she actually said that I was just dragging them down by getting beat up by bullies and that I was just a waste of space."


Becky said surprised.

"Yeah and she is actually in a relationship with Yami"

"Hahaha wow, just wait until I meet her, i'll give her a lesson or two"

Yukari said making a fist. The others just laugh.

"But in other case, Yugi we'll be happy to be your friends."

Yugi smiled.

"Really? Thanks. So what school do you go to?"

"Um we don't go to school, we're actually homeschooled"

Yuri said with a gentle smile. Yugi opened his eyes surprise.

"Wow, really. Well I go to Domino High"

"Oh great then we can meet you at the school to hang out"

Jenna said happily

"That would be cool"

Everyone got up from the table to stretch. They decided to walk around but also in the same time giving Yukari and Yugi some privacy.

"So Yugi how old are you?"

"18. You?"

"18 as well"

Yugi smile but looked down at his watch and gasp.

"Uh sorry to cut the hangout short but I really need to go home"

"That's okay we'll walk you home"

"What about your instruments?"

Yukari winked at him.

"Watch this. Untr ti kabc ot neco ti amec"

With that said the instruments disappeared in a blink. The girls happily took Yugi home and were surprised Yugi lived and worked at a game shop.

"Well let's see if we can hang out tomorrow okay?"

"Alright, sounds good"

Yuri, Trinity, Jenna and Becky gave Yukari and Yugi a moment. Yugi was about to step inside when Yukari stopped him.



Yukari then grabbed hold of his hand and began to write her number, Yugi saw and blushed.

"Text me"

Yukari said with a wink leaving a blushing Yugi. A moment later Yami came through the door, Yugi was about to make it to his room before Yami stopped him.

"Who were those girls?"

"None of your business"



Yugi said with a glare leaving up to his room but Yami just glared at his retrieving form.

A/N Rate and Comment.

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