Bully: Part 2

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A/N I don't own Yugioh

"Fine but first.."

Without warning Yukari punched Tea right on the eye catching her by surprise and cause her to fall on the ground from the impact. Yugi facepalm and shook his head while the girls cheered from the sidelines.

"Come on let's go to the beach"

Yukari yelled happily jumping on top of her boyfriend's shoulder, her thighs right on his shoulder and her hands rubbing his head. She was light that's why Yugi didn't fall and had strength to carry her. Yugi and the others were walking out of the school grounds. Yuri stood behind when she felt a tap on her shoulder, and was faced with Yami still behind her.

"Thank you"

"No problem"

"You know, we should hang out more often"

Yuri blushed and pushed a few strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Y-yeah I would like that. So are you going to the bonfire, for you know we can talk and make plans"

Yami stuck his hands inside his leather pants pocket.

"Yeah I would like to go but first I need to get rid of you know who"

He said motioning to Tea who barely woke up. Yuri giggled and Yami smiled happy to make her laugh. The moment was over when Trinity yelled out for her. Yuri began to walk away but turn once more to see her secret crush one more time and blushed as she caught him still looking at her. Yuri walked away once she saw Tea up again clutching Yami's arm glaring at her with a black eye.

*Night Time at The Beach*

Yuri let out a sigh, she was the only one without a boyfriend. It turns out Trinity and Tristan got together as well as Bakura and Becky. She decided to leave them alone for privacy, she got up dusty off the blanket.

"Where are you going, Yuri?"

Becky asked

"Just walk around the shore line, don't worry i'll be back"

Yuri then walked to the shoreline gazing at the waters, the waves coming and coming, the moonlight illuminating the water. She let out a sad sigh.

'I guess he's not coming'

She thought until her eyes were covered she gasp.

"Guess who?"

Said a deep baritone voice, Yuri cracked and smile and turned around, the person release her eyes.


She said happily hugging him in which he happily returned.

"I thought you weren't coming?"

She said letting him go.

"Yeah well Tea was kind of holding me back"

"I'm just glad you came"

"So what did I miss?"

They talked as they made their way back to the others. Everyone began talking and talking. Until their attention went back to their partners. Yami smiled and stood up, offering a hand to Yuri to stand up as well.

"Where are you both going?"

Yugi asked

"To give all of you privacy because me and Yuri really don't want to see all of you making out"

Yami said. Together they made their way to the pier, Yami saw a man selling flowers and he decided to buy one. He gave it to Yuri who blushed and a soft thank you. It was getting kind of cold and crowded and Yami offered Yuri to hold on to his arm as they made their way through the crowd, through the whole time Yuri was blushing.

"So Yuri, you won't mind to be hanging out with me right?"

"No, why?"

"Well I figure that since everyone else is in a relationship except for you so that will leave us alone in a group so might as well hangout together right?"


Music was heard as a guy was playing a saxophone, Yami gave the man some money in the case and held out a hand to Yuri who blush.

"Would you like to dance?"

Yuri smiled and took hold of Yami's hand in one and the other on his shoulder, Yami pit one hand on Yuri's waist, holding her close as they dance together slowly. To Yuri it was like a dream come true of Yami holding her, giving her a flower, holding on to his arm and dancing under the moon and stars.

As the dance finished, they decided to walk back to the group but Yuri stopped him.

"Um Yami just out of curiosity, do you still like Tea?"

Yami was stuck he honestly didn't know what to say, because new feeling were starting to develope for someone else and right now he was just confused.

"To be honest I'm not exactly sure"

Yuri tried not to give her hopes up and just simply smiled. As everyone decided to call it a day, Yami took Yuri home.


"What's this?"

"My number, so we can plan to hang out"

Yami smiled

"Sure, thanks"

Yuri was about to step out of the car until Yami grabbed hold of her hand giving it a kiss on her knuckles, causing Yuri to blush.



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