I Don't Know You

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A/N I don't own Yugioh

A few weeks later, Yami no longer couldn't think straight Yuri was now plague his mind and in his dreams. He remembers the words she said of why she fell in love with him and the words made his heart flutter. Yami smiled but then frowned as he remembered what Tea said.

"I love your looks and your body. Your so hot and I want you all for me"
End of Flashback

Yami let out a sigh,

'How can I be so stupid to fall for that. Maybe I can give Yuri a chance, she's the only one that actually listens to me, she's understanding, sweet, kind and a great personality. Tomorrow...yeah tomorrow I'll talk to her after school but first things first I need to end things with Tea because my heart now belongs to someone else'

Yami smiled as he finally realize he was actually in love with Yuri. The past 10 weeks they been hanging out he actually did felt something with her but to dumb to realize it.

*Next Day*

Yami was waiting at the front of the school with his friends.

"So your really gonna do this Yami?"

Joey asked having his arm wrapped around Jenna's shoulder.

"I am Joey"

"Okay but just be careful, you don't know what she might do"

"I know but I have to do this"

"Alright then, babe I'm gonna be heading to class"

Jenna happily nodded and kissed him on the lips.

"Have fun in class sweety and good luck Yami"

Jenna said walking out of the school ground and into her car driving away. Yami let out a sigh, just then he heard a shrill sound of someone calling his name.

"Oh Yami-kins!!!"

Tea yelled happily running to him and clutching on to his arm once again.

"Thanks for waiting for me"

"No problem, but Tea listen there is something I need to tell you"

He said gently pulling his arm free from Tea.

"I'm breaking up with you Tea"

"What?! Why?!"

Tea yelled angrily.

"Its because I realize that my feeling for you weren't true, I have my eyes on someone else besides you hurt my friends"

"Is that all? Then i'll just go and apologize, there is no need to break up"

"No Tea, I can't do this anymore because in the process i am also hurting someone else that actually really loves me and wants to be with me"

"So your just going to leave me just like that after everything we been through together"

Yami then glared at Tea

"I gave my friendship up with Yugi after everything we been through all because of your lies, but now things have changed I have my best friend back and now I might even get the girl of my dreams"

Tea narrowed her eyes at him and slapped him on the face catching him off guard, Yami hold his now red throbbing cheek.

"This isn't over Yami, trust me"

"This is about over as it get Tea, I'm sorry"

"No your not, not yet and that's a promise"

Tea sneered walking into the school building. Yami let out another sigh

'Well that part is done'

He thought, he was broken out of his thought as he heard Yugi called out his name.

"Hey Yami, thanks for waiting. I almost got here late from sleeping over at Yukari's house but she broke the speed record luckily no police cars stopped us"

Yami smiled

"That's great Yugi. And say I was wondering if we can have a movie night just me, you, Yukari and Yuri"

Yugi froze at the mention of Yuri but since the magic worked he didn't see any harm in it.

"Okay sure"

*Later at Yukari's home*

As Yugi and Yami arrived, Yukari offered at which movie they would like to watch so Yugi helped her with that. Yami asked where Yuri was and Yukari said that she was in the kitchen getting the snacks ready, so Yami offered to go help her in the kitchen.

"Hey Yuri"

Yuri spend around and smiled


"I'm gonna help you with the snacks"

"Oh sure thanks"

"No problem"

After a while of silence, Yami decided that now was the right time to tell her.

"Yuri, I been thinking about what you said and I would like to finally give you a chance"

Yuri looked at Yami confused

"I'm sorry what?"

"Remember the date you want to ask me out on?"

Yuri shook her head and Yami was now confused

"I'm sorry but I don't remember asking you for a date?"


"I don't even know you, i have never seen you before in my life"

Yuri said walking out of the kitchen with popcorn and chicken wings, leaving Yami stunned and alone in the kitchen.

Yugi, Yuri and Yukari were already seated on the couch while Yami came back with the drinks. He sat next to Yugi hoping to speak to about what happened with Yuri.

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