The First Thought [Narnia FanFiction!]

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A/N: Thank you everyone for your continuous support and interest! The First Thought is undergoing MAJOR renovations as I have had a burst of creativity for the world of Narnia. I hope those who have been fans enjoy this updated version of Lysette's story! And for new fans, Welcome! And I hope you enjoy this adventure in Narnia as much as I enjoy writing about it. 


Ice. That's what I felt, hard against my back. But shouldn't it be cold?

I clenched my fists and balled up a bunch of snow. 

Slowly, I propped myself up onto my forearms. It felt as if I hadn't moved in centuries.

I squinted my eyes. Everything was white. It was nearly blinding.

Glancing around, I noticed that even I was white. My translucent skin practically blended in with the snow. The only color besides the dead brown trees was the powder blue dress that fell to my feet when I stood.

"How impractical.." I said to myself, as I hiked the dress up to tread through the snow.


I whipped my head around, certain I heard somebody shushing me.

"Hello?" I meant to yell, but it only came out as a whisper. 

Again, I heard the shush. But it seemed to be coming from above me. 

I looked up to the branches covered in snow. "I must be deranged. Trees do not talk.." I muttered away to myself.

Trudging through the forest made the seconds seem even slower. I resorted to counting each step I took, although it did not make the journey any easier. What is a journey anyways without a destination? 

I had no idea where I was or why I was even here. 

I wrapped my arms around my torso, starting to feel the effects of the snow and blistering wind.

Seconds seemed to turn to hours, and I felt as if I could move no further. 

Finally finding a tree large enough to shield some of the wind away, I curled up to it. It felt surprisingly warm. And I couldn't help but close my eyes and drift into its comfort. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2018 ⏰

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