I Can't Stand To Be Away From You -chapter three

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I woke up the next morning by Hermione ripping open the curtains. "Rise and shine, Layla! We have a test in potions today. I woke you up early so you can study."

"Ugh," I groaned. There's no use arguing with her, she always ends up winning. My stupid nagging conscience knows she's right so I slowly rolled out of bed. Literally.

"You should get up off of the floor," Hermione said, not even looking up from her book.

"But the floor wants a hug," I say stretching out my arms to hug the floor. That's how tired I was.

Hermione silently rolled her eyes and continued her studying. That girl needs to have more fun.

I run to the bathroom to shower and dress. Afterwards I  comb the tangles out of my hair,having forgotten about last night until I walk back into our dorm and Hermione gives me a knowing smile.

"What? Why are you smiling like that?" I ask, confused.

"I don't normally partake in something as childish as gossip, but..."

My eyes widen, "Oh hell!"

"Getting close with Neville, I hear."

I flop on my back onto my bed. "It was just a peck on the cheek goodnight,I swear. How did you hear anyways? Only Ron sa-...I'm going to bloody kill him! Better say goodbye to him now, he won't last long." I narrow my eyes."

"It's not a big deal, Lay. Now hurry and study, it's nearly breakfast and I don't want you to fail."

After twenty more minutes of excruciating studying later, we gathered our bags and our books and I walked to breakfast with Harry and Neville. Ron walked with Hermione after a while because I  couldn't be around him at the moment or I'd do something I'll regret and he and Harry were still arguing. Boys. As I  walked between Harry and Neville my hand brushed Neville's a few times and my face was on fire.

I was smiling because of something Harry had said before looking up and the smile disappeared instantly.

One word.


Sorry for any mistakes or errors! I Also apologize for taking FOREVER.

I Can't Stand To Be Away From You (A HP fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now