Where to?

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Riding a unicycle came natural to Datboi, for once in his life he had something he was good at, but he could not stay here, he would have to live somewhere else. Datboi decided to head to a station nearby to ask for directions. He rolled into the station and rolled over to the counter, scaring a older frog. Datboi asked the clerk where the nearest town, was and what was the quickest route. The clerk paused obviously startled seeing someone in the store on a unicycle by finally told Datboi that the nearest town was Gabeville, and that it was only 500 miles Weast. Datboi thanked the clerk, and rolled out. Datboi and his new unicycle, slowly made its way to gabeville, a journey that stopped shortly when it became too dark for Datboi to see, but then started up again early the next morning.It took Datboi two Wednesdays, to finally reach Gabeville, where he was greeted with alot of dogs.

Here Come DatboiWhere stories live. Discover now