Chapter Seven

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For god's sake, Camz, you're making it really hard to not kiss you.

She was smiling and laughing and biting her lip and jesus.

Why did she have to be straight? That just wasn't fair. (Then again, the universe had repeatedly made it's hatred of Lauren clear so this really shouldn't have come as a surprise.)

"Uh, cutie?" she said, mostly to give her mouth something to do that wasn't kissing Camila, "I think the band's about to go on."

Just as she said that, four plaid covered buffoons lumbered onto the stage. Lauren recognised Owen, and she was pretty sure that the lanky guitarist was JP, who had been best friends with Chris for a while. As for the other two, she had no idea. They hadn't been in the band when Chris was. In fact, she figured the only original member still present was Owen.

Lauren hated him. She could only imagine how uncomfortable Camila must have felt when he called them girlfriends. Thankfully she'd managed to backtrack, so as to avoid any confusion. But she'd been panicking.

"Hey, we are Zeta Omega Mu!" Owen yelled, and a few people in the crowd cheered, holding up beer bottles.

"They named their band after a fraternity, which is some social statement about brotherhood extending beyond college or something lame like that," Lauren whispered to Camila.

"This first song is about betrayal."

A poppy riff started up on JP's guitar, then one of the unidentified members began a drum beat. It was possibly one of the most generic, unexciting pop-punk songs Lauren had ever heard. She looked over to Camila who was bopping her head along to the beat and, yeah, that was adorable.

Owen sauntered up to the microphone and began to sing in a voice that was more shouting than actual singing.

We were going so well,

Staying safe, on the right track,

But then you went and ruined it all,

How can I get my trust back?

How can you expect me to love again?

I can't believe to betrayed me like that

You hit me...

With a blue shell on rainbow road,

Blue shell on rainbow road,

Blue shell, blue shell,

A blue shell on rainbow road

"Dear god make it stop," Lauren whined. It was bad enough that she'd had to listen to that song being rehearsed from her brother's bedroom in high school, but at a concert it was even worse (which she hadn't thought possible.)

"It's not too bad," Camila said.

"You must be delirious." They both laughed.

The final chords rang in Lauren's ears as the crowd went wild. (Thank god it's over.)

"Thank you! Are you guys having a good time tonight?"

Everyone cheered.

"Before we play our next song, I, uh, have an announcement to make."

JP and unidentified band member number two shared a confused look. Clearly this wasn't planned. Lauren smiled.

"If you guys are looking for any tattoos, check out this new place opening on Monday! My friends in the back can give you details!"

"Oh my god that's me!" Camila squealed, "that's my business!"

"Sure is, cutie."

Camila was jumping up and down smiling so hard it looked like her face might split in half. Which would suck. Lauren liked Camila's face in one piece. (Still, seeing her this happy could never be a bad thing.)

"But how..." realisation dawned on the girl's face, "did you have something to do with this?"

"I may have sent a text to Owen this afternoon."

Suddenly Lauren found herself almost bowled over with 5"2' of pure gratitude.


Lauren had been wrong. Camila being a hugger was definitely not a problem. It was pretty much the opposite of a problem.

"You've gotta let go now," she said, "I think you've got some interested customers."

"Really?!" Camila broke the hug and turned around to look at the crowd now surrounding them. Lauren smiled watching the tiny girl hand out flyers to surly-looking punk rockers.

"This next song is called 'You Ate My Pizza You Bitch.'"

Another equally terrible song began. Okay, so maybe Owen's band wasn't awful. They sure as hell weren't good but they knew how to play to a crowd. The energy in the room was infectious, and Lauren couldn't stop herself from swaying slightly to the beat.

Camila was still busying herself, talking animatedly with a bearded guy who looked pretty interested.

What the heck, she could handle herself. What did Lauren have to lose?

She went into the crowd to dance. 

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