Chapter Eight

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"That was great!" Camila said, running over to Owen after the show. She hadn't been to that many concerts, and certainly hadn't been to any that involved the crowds pushing each other and jumping on top of each other, but still, she'd had a great time.

(Granted, she hadn't been involved in the dancing and the jumping and if she had she'd probably have died, but still.)

"Thanks," Owen said unenthusiastically. He was sitting on the stage, his legs falling over the side. Camila jumped up to join him, and laughed when she noticed that her feet were dangling, at least a foot away from touching the ground. But the laugh died in her throat when she saw Owen's expression.
"What's wrong?"

"They uh..." he glanced around at the roadies dragging amps away from the stage, "they kicked me out of the band."

"What, why?" Camila had only known Owen for three hours and most of that time had been watching him yelling into a microphone, but she still felt sorry for the guy. He looked completely broken.

"They didn't like me advertising your place."

Camila felt a stab of guilt in her chest. She'd ruined something for someone she'd just met. That was a new low, even for her.

"I'm so so sorry Owen I had no idea-"

"It's not your fault," He didn't make eye contact, "Laur asked for the promo, you didn't know it was gonna happen, and she didn't know it would get me kicked out and... I should have checked with JP and the guys. It was really a dick move of mine."

"I thought it was really sweet." Camila put her hand on his shoulder and at last he looked over, smiling slightly.

"Thanks little nerd hottie."

They sat in silence for a while. The crowds had cleared away, leaving an empty venue with empty plastic cups and bottles strewn around. Some people were sweeping up, but all of the band members had left.

"You know what? I'm not even sad because I liked the band. In fact, I kind of hated it," Owen laughed, "JP was a dick. And our music sucked."

Camila didn't know whether it would be comforting or not to say that she actually liked their music, so she kept her mouth shut.

"I'm just worried because, like, this was the only thing I had going for me. And it was awful but it was something. And now I'm two years out of high school and I have no clue what to do now."

Camila thought back to a similar conversation she'd had a few hours before.

Then she was hit with an idea.

An idea that was probably awful and Owen would probably refuse but she felt so bad about getting him fired (were people 'fired' from bands?) that she had to try, right?

"Well, I know it's not a permanent solution, and I also totally get if you don't want to or anything but..." she took a deep breath. Rambling. Right. "Colour Me Cute needs a receptionist? And I understand that it's not really a cool job and it'll be boring and you don't want to be stuck with that job forever but I figured that it's something and if for right now you feel a little lost or you want to earn some money or-"

"Mila?" Owen put his hand on her elbow to get her to stop. "I'd love to!"

Camila felt the pressure on her chest lift. She'd done something good. That was... a really rare feeling.

"Great! Um, we start on Monday so I guess if I don't see you tomorrow then I'll see you there!"

She jumped off of the stage, landing heavily on the ground. She'd misjudged just how far it was for someone her height to fall.

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