Chapter Nine

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Lauren felt like she was floating through space, and it was only partially due to concussion and lack of sleep.

The rest was due to Camila, and her ridiculous smile when she danced and how she somehow convinced Lauren to do the most ridiculous things, and how she'd kissed her.

Of course, it was just a kiss on the forehead, but that was probably the closest Lauren would ever get, and she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

That horse had a really nice mouth.

The song was still playing, soft and slow, and they were still close to one another.

"This song is really good," Lauren said.

"Yeah Alex has a great taste, this mixtape was for our first anniversary."

"Oh. Alex. Right."

She felt like she'd been punched in the throat. Of course the CD was made by Alex. Tall, athletic Alex who had good taste in music and made mix tapes and was probably a totally awesome boyfriend.

Not that Lauren was bitter or anything.

"Uh, it's probably okay for me to sleep now, cutie. And even if it's not, you open tomorrow-"

"Oh my god so I do!" Camila's eyes widened in a split second of panic before her face broke out into a huge smile. "It's actually happening! Tomorrow!"

"Yeah," Lauren smiled slightly. Camila was so beautiful that she almost didn't mind that she couldn't have her. Almost.

Camila quickly went over to the CD player and pressed pause. The silence was slightly eerie. She turned back to Lauren, looking slightly nervous.

"If you want you could, uh, crash on the couch? I mean it's practically morning so we'd be sleeping until 5pm anyway-"

"No it's okay," Lauren said quickly. She didn't want to intrude or make Camila feel uncomfortable. She'd already done enough. "I'm just gonna go over to my apartment."

"Oh, okay," Camila said.

Lauren nodded awkwardly, then turned, walking through the hall and to her own apartment. Even though she'd never met Alex he'd managed to ruin what was possibly a moment, and if she wasn't so tired she'd probably feel really angry about that.

As it was, all she wanted to do was sleep.

"Lauren, I know that we have an agreement about you not having to work when you're uncomfortable or whatever, but I really need to help me with this delivery today."

"But it's Camila's opening day!"

"I know, and I'm really sorry," LaF said, leaning on the counter, "but it's a big delivery and... you know, Perry'll be there."

Lauren sighed. As much as she wanted to be there for Camz's first day, she owed it to LaFontaine. They'd taken her in and given her a job that she sucked at, and never got mad when she messed up (which was often.) The least she could do was help them out when Perry came by.

"Okay, fine," Lauren dumped her bag in the storeroom, and the smile on LaF's face made her sure she'd made the right choice.

ball of dork: where r u?????

Laurcussion: LaF needs me to work today, I'm really sorry.

ball of dork: :'(((((((

ball of dork: im kidding, ur job comes first!!!!!!!

ball of dork: plus, im super busy with customers from owen's concert anyway

Laurcussion: Still, I'm sad I'm missing it.

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