Happy birthday

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Today was Reapers birthday and you didn't know what to give to the man you fell in like love with. Currently you were in the mall looking at clothing for men, when you relized Reapper didn't like anything except for weapons. You decided to give him a custom made gun. You started calling a weapon shop where they could make the gun you wanted to give to Reaper. As you were in the middle of the call, Reaper came inside the house very angry.
"Hey babe what's wrong," you said worried.
"Its nothing mind your damn business!" He said with venom in his word. You started to tear up because he never sreamed at you before, it was really scary.
"S-s-sorry I asked,"
"If you were actually sorry you wouldn't have asked dumbass."
"Um Happy Birthday baby I got you," I was cut off by Reaper,
"I don't care, just leave me the fuck alone," he said not even looking at you. You listened to him and you walked out of the house with tears in your eyes. You were stuck in your thought you didn't even notice you walked into a barAs you entered, you could smell the strong scent of achohal. You went up to the bartender and asked for a shot of vodka. As you received you drank it down, feeling the burning of the alcohol down your throat. You remembered Reapers gift you called the weapon shop saying where you wanted them to drop the gun off, you were thinking of giving it to Reaper in person but decided against it since you didn't want to see him right now. You told them to drop it off at yours and Reapers house and to give it to a man named Reaper. You told the man on the other end you wanted them to leave a note for him.

Reapers Pov

I was sitting on the couch still pissed that 76 chose Genji to go on a mission instead of me. Im the best there. I have no idea where Y/n was. As I was thinking I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and there was a man.
"Um hello," I said trying to figure out who this man was.
"Um hello sir, is your name Reaper," he said looking at his clipboard he had in his hand.
"Yeah my name is Reaper," the man handed me a box that was prefectly wrapped with a note on it.
"Thank you," I said shutting the door. I looked at the package that had arrived and wonder who could have send it. I opened the note that was on it. 'Hey Reaper, happy birthday, you turned a year older. I couldn't give you this in person since you really hurt me and I'm too scared to get close to you, but I hope you enjoy the gift I got you. Treat it with care it cost a lot of money. Well I'll see you later bye. '
It broke my heart that Y/n said my name usually she calls me love or baby. I was blinded by my anger I didn't know what I was doing. I might have just lost the love of my life.
            Hope you guys enjoyed this. Should I make a part 2?

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