So it begins

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    In an attempt to research human nature in a controlled environment with synthesised air, a group of scientists sent 300 people into space in the year 1910. Everyone was given a job. 50 people were put in place as medical, 25 as government, 50 as military, 15 mechanics, 15 chefs, 20 educators in all fields, 25 agricultural workers, 50 civilians for various jobs and 50 children. Of those 300 people only 200 survived the launch. Half the medical and military were lost. With each new breakthrough in the medical and technological fields information was sent to the space station known as the Ark from earth and vica versa.

      Through the years and many scientific breakthroughs earth found a problem in the air. There was a virus in people on earth that causes them to die if infected, they are calling it the Z-Virus. The scientists at the CDC in Atlanta Georgia have asked the Ark for help. The ark decided to send some of the best students, medical help and guards down to help. Of all the people set to the Ark, it was found that due to the genetic mutations from synthesized air that only 100 were immune to the Z-Virus. The Ark must send their best in hopes to save the human race from eating itself.

          Now 100 years later with only 100 people from the Ark immune, they are about to be sent back to earth. 80 students and 20 guards will be the first generation in 100 years to make it to earth. With all preparations to make the descent to earth families and friends come to bid the 100 a safe journey.

        In an attempt to identify people in different fields they had arm bands that fastened around your upper arm. The color of your arm band indicates what field you are to be working in as everyone has jobs, even the children. The medics would have red with a white cross in the middle, the Guards would have green bands with a blue Ark symbol in the middle, Mechanics would have silver bands with a black wrench in the middle, those who still have yet to graduate including children would have baby blue bands with books in the middle, Agriculturists would have brown bands with green trees in the middle, the cooks/ Chefs would have solid white bands and those from the Ark government would have solid black bands. Of the 80 students 70 were to graduate with honors in their chosen fields.

         With a location set the Ark dropship is set to land close to Atlanta in a small farming town. They were to try and make contact as soon as they landed. What the 100 didn't know is that as soon as they launched for earth earth lost all communications and satellite to the ark. Earth was lost to the dead as far as the Ark knew. With that the 100 was lost to them as well.

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