Chapter 2

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The next morning, which was the first day of rehearsals, Lauren woke up 10 minutes before her alarm to the special ringtone she has set just for Joey.

"What, Richter?" she said in a rude enough way he would know he woke her up, but not so rude he would think she was actually mad.

"Are you ready to caulk your wagon, Lopez?"

She sat up abruptly at that. "Am I ready to what my what?" She heard Joey roar with laughter from the other line.

"Honestly, Lo, did you even read the script?"

"Uh, duh Joey. I went through and read and highlighted my lines."

"Well you missed some pretty great things I get to say then."

She rolled her eyes at how dramatic Joey was being. "Joey, I really think I will hear your lines quite a bit over the next few months, plus today is just the read through anyway." she said, pulling off her blanket and getting up to find her outfit for the day.

"Whatever, Lo. Just be ready in 10. I'll be there and we're getting Starbucks." Joey said hanging up the phone.

Lauren quickly panicked because she had not planned leaving in 10 minutes. Joey was going to pay for this and by pay she meant he was buying her starbucks and her lunch today. She quickly pulled on leggings and just put on an old Starkid shirt she had laying on her dresser. She went into the kitchen to find Julia still wasn't awake and that either Jaime had already left or wasn't being dragged away from her home way before their call time. Lauren decided to leave her a note telling her she left early and she'd get her a muffin for making her fend for herself to get to rehearsal, then went to finish getting ready.

True to his word, the 10 minutes had passed and Joey was letting himself into her apartment.

"Ever heard of knocking?" she asked bluntly.

"Not after you gave me a key, my lady." Joey said, dangling her apartment key in her face.

"And I have had to live with that regret every day since." Joey laughed as they walked out the door together.

"So how was your morning?" Joey asked as he fell into step with Lauren so she wouldn't have to walk too fast.

"Well it was pretty great until I was woken up 10 minutes before my alarm and then being told that I had 10 minutes to get ready." she said looking up at him and trying to give him a glare.

"Oh shit, who on earth would do that to you?" Joey said back making them both laugh.

"I know right? I didn't even have time to straighten my hair, now it has to be all messy and natural." she said grabbing her hair and making a disgusted face.

"Oh shush, I think your natural hair is amazing."

She rolled her eyes at him "Oh gee thanks that helps a lot." she said smiling back so he knew she really did mean thanks, but she was still very annoyed that her hair was not straight.

After their short conversation they kept walking in a comfortable silence that wasn't unusual for them. A lot of times Joey and Lauren could spend hours together and wouldn't have to say anything. They just liked to sit and enjoy each other's company. It's never awkward because it's them. She didn't think there was an actual possibility of anything ever being awkward with Joey at this point of their relationship.

They finally got near enough where they could see the sign. "Oh, Joey! I almost forgot! You have to get Jaime a muffin since you so rudely made it where she and I could not go to rehearsal together."

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