6| glow in the dark condoms

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Chapter six| glow in the dark condoms

JAEBUM tapped the tip of his pen on his notebook in deep thought as his professor spoke about a new upcoming assignment.

"I want you guys to visualize something unconventional yet captivating enough to keep the audience's interest. I want the raw truth. When you find that raw truth I want you to capture it on film to present to your fellow classmates and colleagues at the next annual art gala. I know for some of you this is a drastic change in what you are use to, but that is the current goal for this semester is to get everyone to step outside their comfort zone. We cannot expect to excel without challenging our abilities, we cannot aspire for perfection without trial and error. If you present to me something pretty or simple it will be an automatic zero and possible reconsideration of your placement on the art program.... any questions?"

One hand raised. "Can we present a documentary revolving around someone?"

"Yes you may, keep an open mind. If that is all class is dismissed...anymore questions please email me" Professor Bain said as the clock struck seven. As the students began to pack their belongings and exit the classroom he laid eyes on one of his students who had been staring at a paint splattered blanket left hung up to dry.

"How have you been Mr.Im?"

Jaebum snapped out of his thoughts, he was somewhat mentally present. He wasn't a fan of videography and preferred to capture his truth with his hands rather than film "I'm quite fine. Just thinking about the new project you assigned".

"I know cinematography isn't your forte. Picture it as such, you are drawing with images in movement with sound. The beauty is already there, you just have to capture it" Professor Bain advised in hopes to ease his struggles. Jaebum took what he said into context.

Professor Bain smiled taking a seat next to him. His eyes falling down to his notepad seeing a rough sketch of a woman of color, the same sketch Jaebum took of Nala when he first saw her penciled in darker. His eyes lit up taking the notepad flipping through the pages seeing similar sketches. 

"Hmm so I see you have found a new muse?"

Jaebum's cheeks turned pink at the invasion of his privacy as he gently took back his notebook. "Yeah sure you can say that".

"A girlfriend of yours?"

"No she's... she's no one in particular"

"She doesn't seem like a nobody. Does she have a name?"

"See you next week Professor Bain" Jaebum forced a smile as he packed his belongings into his backpack. 

Leaving the classroom in the arts building he felt weird, weird as in he couldn't stop thinking about her. The way she danced, the way she smiled. It was all starting to get to him.

The manhattan skyline brightly lit up the evening sky as Jaebum walked along the narrow sidewalk to a nearby korean coffee shop to meet up with his friends.

Inside by the back table he noticed Mark and Yugyeom's absence.

"Jaebum...you're late" Jackson frowned. "Yeah yeah I had class".

"What really matters is that you're here now so what's the plan?" Jinyoung turned to Bambam as Youngjae looked around fearfully. "We're not going to another party again are we?"

"Of course not my fluffy bunny. Tonight we're hitting the strip club!" Bambam proudly announced slapping the table.

"Hold up-".

"Wait what for again? Not like I'm objecting in any way tho" Jaebum asked scanning his friends faces. Youngjae wanted to run, Jinyoung looked as if he could care less, and both Bambam and Jackson exchanged perverted glances between each other.

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