Chapter 4

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Y'all have been waiting for it, so here it is!

The day had finally arrived. It was Thursday afternoon, and the time was 6:00. Leah and Mrs Thomas were bustling around, getting Harry ready for the big moment. At Karen and Jimmy's house, Karen was prying the boys away from the TV and getting them ready to go to the agency.

 Jimmy was nervous, but he tried not to show it as he repeatedly checked the time. ¨Honey, it's gonna be okay¨, Karen comforted her husband and put her hand on his shoulder. Jimmy took Karen's hand and looked at her, taking a deep breath. 

¨I know¨, he said and pulled her close. ¨I love you so much¨, he said and kissed her. They stayed like that for a while until Louis came walking into the room playing on his phone, earbuds plugged in. 

¨Euch¨, he said and wrinkled his nose in disgust. ¨Quit with the kissing would you¨?, he asked. ¨It's 6:15 already¨, he said. Karen and Jimmy had told the boys about a possible new brother, and both boys had had different reactions.

Liam had been excited, jumping up and down and squealing in happiness. ¨I'm gonna get another brother¨!, he had sang and jumped on the couch. Louis, on the other hand, Liam's enthusiasm had jumped from him.

¨A new brother¨?, he had asked as he watched his younger brother do his happy dance. ¨Yes, aren't you excited¨?, Karen asked as Jimmy caught Liam mid jump and looked at Louis expectantly. ¨I guess¨, Louis said and shrugged, going back to his phone.

Now, the Tomlinsons all piled into their car, Louis listening to music like usual and Liam singing along to the little kid songs on the radio he still liked. 

Meanwhile, back at the agency Leah was pacing in her office with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. She loved every baby that they had ever taken in, but she loved it even more when the baby found the perfect loving family.

She hoped that this family might be Harry's match, the poor boy might not ever know his real family and Leah wanted him to have a mother and father that would love him more than his birth parent, or parents.

The clock read 6:25, 5 more minutes and they would meet the Tomlinsons. Mrs Thomas walked into the room holding a squirming Harry, clearly trying to keep a good grip on the wriggling boy. ¨Can you take him?, I'm going to go watch for them¨, Mrs Thomas asked.

¨Of course¨, Leah said and took Harry out of Mrs Thomas's arms. ¨Thanks¨, Mrs Thomas said and gave her a grateful look before rushing out of the room. Harry continued to squirm in Leah's arms, and as she rubbed his back he slowly settled down. 

Shifting Harry to her hip, Leah checked his diaper, wondering if that was the culprit of his earlier squirming. ¨Nope, you're dry¨, she said as Harry leaned his small head on her shoulder and yawned before closing his eyes.

Leah held Harry against her chest and rubbed his back, not wanting to wake the sleeping boy. Shortly after Harry fell asleep, Mrs Thomas's voice came from down the hall. ¨Leah, they're here. Bring Harry too¨, she called.

¨Okay, but he's asleep¨, Leah said and straightened his shirt before carrying him down the hall and around the corner. Harry didn't stir at the noise, merely sighing and going back to sleep.

¨Mr and Mrs Tomlinson, this is Leah Horanye¨, Mrs Thomas introduced Leah, and she shook their hands. ¨Me too¨, Liam said as he watched his father. ¨This is my youngest son Liam, and my eldest Louis¨, Jimmy said and gestured at Louis who was still on his phone.

¨I'm Liam¨, Liam said and stuck out his hand. The adults all smiled as Leah shook his hand, and Louis glanced up from his screen for a second. ¨Hey¨, he said and looked back down. ¨It's nice to meet you all¨, Leah said.

¨It's nice to meet you too¨, Jimmy said. ¨Is that Harry¨?, Karen asked and gestured at Harry who was still asleep in Leah's arms. ¨Yes, this is him¨, Mrs Thomas said. ¨Can I hold him¨?, Karen asked. ¨Of course¨, Leah said.

¨Oh Jimmy, he's so adorable, I think I'm falling in love already,¨ Karen cooed when Leah set him in her arms. Harry still didn't wake as he stirred in his sleep, then snuggled against Karen's chest. Jimmy got out his phone and snapped a picture of his wife and Harry, smiling when he saw Liam had photobombed.

¨Pardon my asking, but what was the whole story when he was found? Like how did he get there and stuff¨?, Jimmy asked. Leah remembered that day like it was yesterday, and as she started to explain it she couldn't help but choke back tears. 

She hated it when helpless children were abandoned, and she wished she could do more to help. ¨I was looking for my dog Bear when I found him, he ran away and it was 1:30 something in the morning¨, Leah started as they headed to Mrs Thomas's office.

¨I heard crying, and when I went into the alley behind Nando's I found him in a box with some blankets and despite being wrapped in a jumper he was freezing, he had ice all over him and everything¨, Leah said.

¨He was only a day old, a few hours actually, Leah said. We think his mother abandoned him for some reason, and when I found him the only thing we could find to identify him was a note taped to his chest that had his name on it¨, Leah said as Jimmy and Karen's eyes widened.

¨Oh that's terrible, who would do such a cruel thing¨?, Karen asked and dabbed at her eyes. Jimmy took Karen's hand and rubbed her thumb with his, reassuring her everything was okay now. Karen took a deep breath and looked up from Harry, wanting to hear more.

¨What happened next¨?, she asked. ¨When I brought him back here, I brought him straight to Mrs Thomas's office, and we got him into a warm bath and some warm clothes¨, Leah said and glanced at Mrs Thomas.

She was nodding in agreement, sitting in her chair attentitevly. ¨When we took him to our agency doctor, Dr Nialler, she said that the frostbite from the note on his chest would take a few days to heal, and as you can see it has marvelously¨, Leah said and lifted Harry's shirt.

After a few minutes of silence, Karen looked at Jimmy, and Jimmy looked at her. ¨I think my wife agrees that he would be perfect for us¨, Jimmy said as Karen grinned and nodded. ¨Oh that's wonderful¨!, Mrs Thomas exclaimed.

Mrs Thomas pulled out the paperwork, and Jimmy signed first, then Karen. Jimmy pulled out his wallet and handed Mrs Thomas the money, then turned to his sons. ¨Well boys, you have a new baby brother¨, he said and grinned, pulling them and his wife close.

Hey, hope y'all enjoyed it, and hope it was long enough. Update again as fast as possible, still busy but will try to get working on the next chapter sometime this week :)

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