Going home☹️💛

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A few minutes after Harv posted the Snapchat  my friend Gracie sent me his story and a message saying

OMG WHAT IS THIS NEWS! I bet it'll be amazing!

I so wanted to tell her about the announcement but I couldn't. It made me giggle knowing something that one of my friends didn't.

"What's that giggle for?" Asked Harvey

So I told him about Gracie's message

"Yeah, I'll be announcing it on the 15th October! So just over 2 weeks!" Harv said smiling

"When will tickets be available?" I asked

"I think they'll be coming out on the 20th October" Harvey said "I'll double check with Blair now."

"I know you showed me the poster thing for the Show. Will my name be on there at all?" I asked

"I don't know. But if it's not we can certainly get it on there!" Harvey laughed as he saw a smile on my face

"Oooh! God what's everyone going to say at school! First I'm missing chunks of it and then I'll be going on tour with famous people!" I said laughing

"It'll be interesting to see Amelia" Harvey said "different people respond differently to jealousy. So be prepared for some harsh messages"

My mum walked into the room and came over to me

"I'm going to bed now sweetie. Don't stay on call too much longer because we're leaving tomorrow at around 11. "

"Okay mum night" I said

"Night Fiona!" Harvey's voice shouted from my phone

"See ya Harvey" My mum replied laughing

I said bye to Harvey and snuggled down in the duvet to watch some Netflix before I went to bed. I was scrolling through Netflix for ages before I decided to watch Chasing Cameron to get me in the mood for tour! Maybe not the best idea because all their tours went wrong😂

*The next morning*

I woke up abruptly to my phone ringing. It was Harvey!

"What do you want Harv? It's 8 in the morning you melon" I asked yawning

"Nothing. I was bored and couldn't sleep" he replied

"So that means I shouldn't either?" I laughed

"Sure does" he replied

I was only showing my forehead because I'd just woken up and looked pretty messy.

"Why am I only seeing a bit of you?" Asked Harv

"Because Harvey I was sleeping so I haven't got dressed yet or out my makeup on. I wonder why I haven't?" I said laughing

"Oh I want to see your face pleaseeeeeeeeeee it's so cute"  he pleaded

"Ugh fine but don't scream!" I said moving the camera down so you could see my whole face.

"There's the cutie" Harvey said smiling

"Harv I'm getting dressed so I'm turning my camera round"

"What you gonna wear?" Asked Harvey

"Jeans and my Calvin Klein tshirt" I replied "ow!"

"What's happened!?"

"It's okay I fell over while putting my jeans on" I laughed getting up "my bum hurts now"

My mum appeared and asked if I was ready to go to breakfast. Did she even have to ask?!

"Harv I've gotta go. Food is calling me! I'll Snapchat you" I said

"Okay cutie call when you're home! I wanna see your room haha" he said

As I ended it I grabbed my portable charger and headed down to breakfast. I got my breakfast and sat at the table. I sent Harv a picture of my food and he replied with the drooling emoji. He really is food obsessed 😂

Once we'd finished breakfast, we checked out and went for a quick look round the shopping centre near us. I went into Top shop and bought the cutest tshirt and pyjamas. Then we went into Pink and I bought some knickers and bras which were adorable!!!  I posted a pic on my snapchat and captioned it
"successful morning! Home now☹️"

We drove home and I fell asleep while listening to music. At around 4 ish we arrived home, when I got inside I headed straight up to my room. I gave it a quick tidy so it was presentable to show Harv and then sent him a pic with the caption
"Missed my bed!"

A few minutes later my phone started buzzing! I answered the FaceTime call and smiled so big.

"Heyyyyyy amelia!!" Harv screamed

"Heyyyy  Harv!" I screamed back

"When did you get Home?" Harv Asked

"Like 5 minutes ago aha" I replied

"Oooh I want to see your room!"

I showed him around my room. He picked up on my blue walls immediately and said he loved them which was cute.

"Ugh I have school tomorrow" I said groaning "and I'm pretty sure I have a maths test which is just great!"

"Ahahahah poor you. I would say I'd help but I'm shocking at maths. " Harv replies laughing

We talked for a while again until my tea was ready. I left, I ate my tea then had a shower, and then got into my bed. I put my school bag on my bed and got out my English book to make a start on the homework.

Harv texted me saying

I can't wait till I see you again!❤️

How cute was he? I responded and fell asleep a few minutes later.

To be continued 💛

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