Last Day💛

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I woke up to the all too familiar sound of my alarm, begging me to get up and get ready for the day ahead. I switched it off and rolled sleepily out of bed. I stood in the middle of my room shivering for a few minutes. I grabbed my grey hoodie and quickly put it on before heading downstairs.

"Hey Mimi, how are you?" My mum asked as I walked into the kitchen

"I'm half asleep, you?" I asked while pouring myself some cereal.

We talked for a bit whilst I ate my cereal, turns out I think she's more excited than me about tour haha. I looked at the clock and scarpered upstairs to get dressed into my uniform, I then brushed my hair and grabbed my bag as I quickly finished doing my brows and putting mascara on.

I got into the car and we headed to school, I was sort of dreading it more than usual. If only just got back home and I had to leave again tomorrow morning, and it's not even like I can tell my friends about it...

I was in the lockers getting my books for the first two lessons of the day when I felt my phone buzz. It was a text from Harv

Heyyyyy😊 Me and Blair know that it's gonna be hard for you keeping this a secret so Blair said you can tell Gracie and Rose but make sure they don't go and tell everyone haha! This needs to be a huge surprise! Hope this makes you smile! Can't wait to see you tomorrow, call me when you're home ❤️

I replied to him saying

Thank you Harv! This means so much and I trust that they won't blab!! Eeek I can't wait to see you xxx

I was beaming ear to ear and was now excited to tell Gracie and Rose my news.

I walked into the dorm room and my two besties ran up to me and hugged me. They both started talking at once about Harvey and the concert and his Snapchat story. I was laughing so much inside

"Omg Amelia! How was the concert?" Asked Rose "How was meeting Harvey?"

"The concert was AMAZING!!" I screamed "he was so good and omg his vocals!! And meeting him was a dream come true!"

"I'm so glad it went well" Gracie said smiling at me

"That reminds me I need to tell you both something top secret and highly important at break" I said to them quietly

We were in form on our phones, I was looking through my photos and showing them to Gracie and Rose when a text from Harv popped up on my phone. I quickly swiped the notification away but Gracie was quicker.

"Who was that?" She asked

"No one. It doesn't matter" I said smiling

"Mmmm kay. But I'm wanting a full detailed answer by break Amelia."

That was fine by me because I could explain everything!!
The two hours went so slowly and I was counting down until 11:10 when the be finally rang signalling break time.

We headed to the seats on the top floor where we usually sit. I sat in the middle and then moved and sat on the floor so I was looking at them

"Right. I'm not going to be at school for the rest of this week and probably next week too" I said quickly

"What! Why?" Both girls asked

"I've been offered an amazing opportunity that could open up some real doors in my life. But it's highly secret at the moment but Harvey said I could tell you two" before meaning to I'd already said his name

"Harvey?" Rose replied

"Erm yeah. He's asked me to record some new songs with him..." I said glancing at them nervously

"O...M...G... WHAT!?" Gracie exclaimed "How? When? What I'm confused! If this is true then I'm so happy for you but explain!"

"Haha it is true. So we were talking to each other at the m&g and I slipped my number into his back pocket as a joke knowing he wouldn't text a random number but he did ..." I continued to explain the rest of the whirlwind story that had occurred.

"So Harvey Cantwell has your number? And Snapchat?" Asked Rose "The Harvey Cantwell?"

"Yep he sure does😂" I replied laughing "look I'll show you"

I got my phone out and showed them the texts then FaceTimed him. He picked up after only a few rings

"Hey Amelia, how'd your friends take the news?" He asked not looking at the camera

"Yeah they took it okay I think haha" I said giggling "wait, what're you doing harv?"

Harvey looked at the screen and jumped "oh hey girls, you scared me😂 I mean I didn't expect 3 girls 😂 and Amelia I'm getting ready to go shopping with Rye to get some new outfits for this week and next" He smiled at me

"I can't believe this is happening!" Gracie said

"I have to go harv, I'll call you when I'm home so you can help me pack but yeah see yaaaaaaaa" I said as I hung up

"So you're friends with him now? And what else are you doing with him? I can sense there's something you're not telling us" Rose asked laughing

"Okay well there's the songs that are being recorded and stuff next week but I was also asked to go on tour with him and Roadtrip in December and me and my mum and Dad have decided that I'm going! Ooh that reminds me I need to go get my work for the next few weeks from the staff room"

"Tour? Omg what!" Both girls said

"Oops I don't think I was supposed to tell you that I laughed "tickets don't come out for a few weeks so keep it on the down low please" I smiled at them

Suddenly I was pulled into a group hug and then it hit me, this was happening!

To be continued 💛

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