"Im cold"💛

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I got up and walked into the recording booth. Standing there was so nerve-racking. I pulled up the words on my phone and the music started.

I saw harvey smiling at me through the window. Jeez, this was so cool yet so weird, it was fun though. After recording that song we listened to both parts and I have to say it sounded pretty good.

"Wow!" I said once it'd finished playing

"It sounds sick ngl" Harv replied "you did a good job considering it's your first time"

We played around with it until we were positive it couldn't be improved. After, we just messed around recording some covers for Harvey to post on YouTube later     

We finally walked out of the studio 6 hours later and we felt the wind hit us.

"Anything you want to do?" Harvey Asked

"Well I love the London eye so maybe we could go there?" I replied

"Ooh yes! Let's go" harv smiled

We got an Uber to the London eye and the journey there was amazing. I was in one of my favourite places with an amazing person. Could this get better? I meant against him and started to reply to the millions of messages I had.

How's it going? Have you two had any "alone" time yet hahaha? -gracie

Oh wow. Only my friend would text me that 😂 I was looking  at it and was thinking what to reply when I felt Harvey's head turn and he started to read it out loud.

"How's it going? Have you two had any..."

I swiped off before he could read the rest

"Hey, go back onto the message I wanna read it haha" Harv insisted

I gave in and showed him it

"It's just Gracie being Gracie haha ignore her" I laughed

He took my phone and started to type, holding the phone away from me so I couldn't read it

Nope not yet...but maybe soon😉😂-Harvey

"There you go haha" he said handing me my phone

"Oh wow harv" I said laughing


"Yes amelia..."

"Do you know if I'll be on the poster yet for the Christmas tour?" I said smiling

"Not yet but I'll text Blair now to find out asap"


We arrived at the London eye and we got into one of the pods. It was surprisingly empty so we basically had one to ourselves. When we reached the top, a lady took a photo of us on my phone. Harvey was behind holding my hips while I stood in front. This photo was my new favourite. I set it as my lock screen hoping he wouldn't find it creepy.

We got back to the hotel room at around 9 ish. It'd been an action packed day and I had the rest of the time to come!

In the room there were two double beds. I sat on my bed and unpacked a little. Harv started to get changed so I went to the bathroom and had a bath then got into my pyjamas. I walked out, my hair in a messy bun and I was wearing my booty shorts with an oversized tshirt. Harvey was on the tv looking for something to watch on YouTube. I walked over to my bed, I wished I could be in his but I wasn't certain he didn't have a secret girlfriend or something coz it'd never been denied.

"You not coming to watch YouTube then?" Harvey Asked pouting

"I can watch it from here if you want" I replied

"Nah, come into my bed I'm cold" Harvey looked at me with his puppy eyes and I couldn't resist. And with him saying that I guessed there wasn't another girl

I climbed into bed next to him and pulled the duvet up. He put his arm around me and I snuggled down a bit. We forgot about watching YouTube and just talked for what seemed like forever.
It was getting late and as Harvey was checking through his social media replying to a messages he tweeted saying

Think today has been one of my favourite days of my life 😊💓

My phone buzzed as I got the notification.

"Ooooh post notifications on I see..." he said laughing

"Yup true fangirl haha" I said

We saw the time and he groaned

"Ugh I don't wanna sleep yet Amelia"

"We better do or else we'll be tired tomorrow and no one likes a tired Harvey do they?"

He nodded and started to get under the duvet. I wondered what I should do. Should I go to my bed or should i stay? I started to get up to go to the loo but before I could even sit up I felt a tugging at me

"Where are you going?"

"To the loo Harv haha"

"Okay hurry up I'm cold again"

I went to the loo and then got back into bed. I turned to face Harvey and our faces were suddenly very close. I felt his breath against my face and as I closed my eyes I felt a warm kiss on my lips...

To be continued💛

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