Soaking wet, Ashley quickly inserted her key into her small apartment building front door and rain up two flights of steps to her empty home.After shutting the door behind her, Ashley threw down her backpack.
"Hey, Spinach."
The only answer was a meow coming from the corner of the tiny kitchen.
"All right, all right, I'll feed you." Sighing, Ashley pulled out a bag of cat food and poured some into a small bowl. Instantly, a chubby orange and white cat with a blue collar came out of nowhere and started wolfing down the food gratefully. As the cat ate, Ashley stroked its back.
"Today wasn't terrible, Spinach. No potatoes, at least." Ashley scooted down against the kitchen cabinets and sat on the floor next to the food bowl. Blowing her blonde hair out of her face, she looked around at her home. The kitchen was in the corner of the apartment, revealed as soon as you walked through the door and went right. Straight across from her was a small, round wood table with two matching chairs. Beyond that was the back of a worn green couch, facing a window overlooking the New York streets. In front of the couch was a small coffee table and a tv. Branching off to the right of the living room were three rooms: The bathroom, Ashley's room, and her mom's room.
Though the apartment wasn't anything special, Ashley had lived there for all 17 years of her life.
Spinach meowed, making Ashley smile.
"No, you've had enough. Plus, you already have some fat to burn off anyways, boy." She joked, shaking the not-so-flattering flab underneath the old cat's stomach.
In one somewhat swift movement, Ashley hopped up off the kitchen floor, dusting off her jeans. Her simple outfit suited her personality well. A plain white shirt, blue jeans, and a worn pair of converse were all Ashley needed.
"All right, Spinach. Wish me luck." Walking with purpose, Ashley went into her room, coming back out with a pencil and simple notebook. As she pulled the chair away from the table, it squeaked against the hardwood floor. Being so engrossed in excitement, Ashley barely noticed.
Spinach, understanding that he wasn't getting any more food, hopped up on Ashley's lap and meowed, wishing to be petted.
Ashley wasn't big on words. Being the least talkative at school, there wasn't much need for them. It's said that people need other people, even when they don't think they do. But for Ashley, she seemed to be just fine with only Spinach and her mom.
Despite her feelings for words, Ashley couldn't understand why one day when she was walking the few blocks between her school and her home, that she got the urge to write. At first, it was just random words or feelings, and Ashley struggled to find how to put them down in a way that satisfied her. Stories didn't seem to do it. They always came out too long. Stories were the only real writing Ashley knew.
"Another one! Another one!" The little girl jumped up and down on her princess bed, blonde hair in a cloud around her.
"All right, all right! Just calm down!" The girl's mom giggled, snatching the girl and pulling her into her arms and tickling her.
"What one would you like to hear now?" The mom asked, looking down at her child.
"This one!" She said, pointing to "Guess How Much I Love You" by Sam McBratney.
The mom's face stared at the book, tears welling in her eyes.
"Mommy?" The girl asked, her blue eyes filled with concern that made her look years older.
"Not this one."
"It's time to go to bed now." She moved from the bed, turning out the light and collecting the children's books.
Just before she kissed her daughter on the forehead, the girl asked a question.
"Yes, dear?"
"Where's daddy?"
The mom stopped.
"Mommy, why are your eyes sweating?"
Quickly wiping away the tears, she cleared her throat. "It's because of Spinach." she said, looking at the young kitten curled up into a ball, sleeping on the girl's other pillow. "I'm allergic."
"Mommy, where's daddy?" The girl repeated, looking scared to hear the answer.
"He's- he's not-" She sighed. "He's not around anymore, but he's watching over you, Ashley. He's watching over both of us."
After two months of failures and wasted notebook paper, Ashley figured out what she wanted to say.

Her Words
Short StoryTeen writer Ashley Burke is a quiet girl in her home city The Big Apple. Because of her shyness, Ashley keeps most of her things to herself, including her writing. So when Ashley is finally ready to come out with her best work, she looks on Wattpad...