Part 10

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Spreading out her stuff, Charlie took up the whole kitchen table.

"Where did you get this from?" Ashley asked, mouth agape, staring at Charlie's high tech laptop, a macbook pro.

Charlie laughed. "Minnesota isn't totally off the grid."

"Oh." Ashley's face burned. "So, what are you doing with that?" She motioned to the laptop.

"I'm going to identify this Wattpadian." Charlie said with purpose.


"I'm goi-"

"No, what did you call them?" A smile crept up on Ashley's face.

"Wattpadians? That's what they're called, right?"

"I have no idea. But how do you plan on finding this person. We don't even know their real name."

"Not yet."

With that, Charlie got to work.

An hour, two naps, and 5 cups of coffee later...

"Eureka!" Charlie yelled!

Ashley snorted, suddenly waking up. "What?"

"I know who they are!"

In a split second, Ashley went from barely awake to full energy mode. "Who are they?"





Ashley went over to the Macbook pro and turned the screen towards her.

"Oh no."

    Charlie smiled sheepishly. "I thought it was a good idea at the time..."

The blood is Ashley's face drained as she read scrolled down.

Charlie had contacted TheReaper.

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