E is For Excuses

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The sun cast a brilliant orange glow across the sky, but Sehun didn't see it. Feet crossed on the table, his nose was buried in papers. Students wouldn't come for another half hour and he needed to finalize the day's lesson plan. There was a soft knock at the door and a woman stuck her head in, "May I come in?"

Sehun stood and bowed, "Ms. Jung, yes come in."

"Mr. Oh," she entered, heels clicking across the floor, "I had some time to spare and I thought I would come and see how your first day was yesterday."

"It was a successful day. I mainly learned the students' names and assessed what they know. Many of them are advanced readers but their math skills need a bit more nurturing." He let out a clipped laugh

"That's nice," she stared out the window, "Say Mr. Oh, are you doing anything after class today?"

Sehun looked up quickly, "Well, I guess not really, no."

Ms. Jung stepped closer to the desk gripping her hands together, "How'd you like to have dinner? I can show you my favorite restaurant."

Sehun bowed again, "I appreciate your kindness Ms. Jung, but lately my dog has been irritable. She needs me at home."

"Well, next time then. I hope your dog feels better." As she moved towards the door, she bumped the desk, causing papers to flutter to the floor. "Oh! How clumsy I am!" she apologized

Sehun stooped down to pick up the papers, "No worries." He stood and found her staring at him.

"Mr. Oh, are you married?"

"What?" Sehun followed her eyes to his hand. He stretched his fingers, "Ah no, I am not married, It was a gift," he stared at the little silver ring, "from a friend."

"I see," she bit her lip slightly, "I must be getting back to my classroom. Have a good day Mr. Oh." Ms. Jung left the room.

Sehun let out a long breath. With shaking hands, he picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Chanyeol, what is wrong with me?" he blurted as soon as he picked up.

"Do you want the short list or the long one?"

"I think I just used Vivi as an excuse not to go out tonight."

"Wait, out like on a date out?" Chanyeol asked incredulously

"Yeah, another teacher invited me to dinner."

"Oh, well I don't blame you, why would you accept a date from some old maid teacher?"

"No, she is young...and attractive I guess."

"Ohhhhhh no. What did you say to her?"

"I just told her that my dog has been irritable lately and that I need to be with her tonight."

Chanyeol was silent.

"It is true! Vivi has been irritable lately!" Sehun defended himself

"Sehun, Vivi is always irritable."

"Is it so wrong that I just want to be at home with my dog tonight? I may take Ms. Jung up on her offer someday."

"Yeah, if you didn't come across as the creepy guy who's in love with his dog."

"Maybe it will show me in a sensitive light."

"Well, at least you've already done the most awkward thing imaginable, and believe me I know awkward."


"What else did you do?"

"I did nothing. But she kind of thought that I was married, because, you know the ring."

Chanyeol paused, "I told you not to wear it." He whispered

"I couldn't take it off."

"Kyungsoo says that soap helps with things like that- "

"No, that's not what I mean. I-I can't bear to take it off."

"Sehun, I'm not asking you to give it up, just put it in a box or something."

Sehun rubbed the tip of his finger over the etching on the ring. He cleared his throat, "No, it stays on my finger. It's all I have left."

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