F is for Fun

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"Waddle like a penguin." Sehun commanded. The kids loved this game and it helped them review their animals.

As everyone stuck out their arms and waddled about the room, one student stood still, looking straight ahead.

"M- "Sehun started to call out but thought better of it. It was probably better to go to him and not distract the other children.

"Minyoo, why aren't you waddling?"

"Cuz it's stupid."

"You don't want to have fun with all of your friends?" Sehun asked

"This is not fun, and no one here is my friend."

"Mr. Oh," Sunmi waddled over, "We've been waddling for a very long time."

"Okay, everyone hop like a frog."

Sunmi hopped away and Sehun turned back to Minyoo, "Would you rather color?"

Minyoo looked at the floor, "I guess."

Sehun opened his desk drawer and produced a zebra coloring sheet. He brought it to Minyoo who quietly sat down with crayons.

Sunmi hopped over, "How come he gets to color." She whined peeking around Sehun to watch Minyoo.

"Because I'm allowing him too." Sehun deflected guiding her back to the center of the room, "Now trumpet like an elephant class."


Hours later it was finally time for lunch. Sehun was ready for a break from his students, the morning had been long. Students pushed and clambered their way to the door, but Minyoo stayed behind. Sehun smiled, he looked forward to seeing Minyoo and his friend together. After the other students had gone Minyoo stood and shuffled towards the door.

"You're not going to wait for Choy?" Sehun asked brightly.

Minyoo looked up and a flash of pain darted across his eyes. His face returned to stone, "No." He ran from the room.

He bumped into Ms. Jung as she walked in, "Be careful little one!" she chirped

"I'm sorry, he is normally a polite student but he hasn't been himself today."

"Oh, that's a shame," Ms. Jung frowned, "If it persists you may want to call his parents to see if there are any issues at home."

"Yes, I'll do that," Sehun clasped his hands together, "Was there something you wanted Ms. Jung?

"You may call me Chayung, I believe we're on a first name basis."

"Oh, then you may call me Sehun."

She smiled, "Well Sehun, a few other teachers and I are going out for dinner tonight, would you care to join us. That is, if your dog is better, of course."

Sehun looked at the floor and toyed with the idea, he wanted to refuse but Chanyeol and Junmyeon's advice kept coming back to him, "My dog is much better, I will join you all tonight."

"Excellent, see you then."


"So, you finally decided to call me back huh?"

"Sorry Baek, I was...out."

"Ooooh!" Baekhyun teased, "You were on a date? And on a school night too, scandalous!"

"Shut up. It was just dinner for teachers to hang out. A bunch of them cancelled for various reasons, Chayung and I were the only ones able to make it."

"Hey, is Chayung the same girl you turned down because of Vivi?"

"How do you know about that?" Sehun asked a bit embarrassed

"Oh, Chanyeol told me. I'm glad you went out with a female who's not your dog."

"Baekhyun, I told you, it wasn't a date!" Sehun protested

"That's what she wants you to think. Those other teachers were made up just to get you to come. She wanted you and her alone the whole time and you fell for it because that's what you secretly wanted too."

"So, you're a psychologist now?"

"I'm just saying, she gave you the opportunity to have fun, which you haven't given yourself since...you know."

"Yeah, I know, I did have fun tonight." Sehun whispered, "But I also felt a bit guilty."

"Sehun, don't feel guilty," Baekhyun admonished, "you're not the one that left."

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