Chapter 12

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Hana's POV

"hurry up Hyejin!", I cried standing in front of the bathroom.

The door suddenly unlocked showing Hyejin in a bath robe.

"aish, you're so annoying", she said walking away as I sprinted into the bathroom.

After I was done, the three of us walked to the oval together to know what we were doing for the last day.

"today's activity will be a paintball fight", said the instructor as everyone cheered.

"here are the groups..."

-------------------------------- not happening.

"uh, when is this staring going to end!", an annoying voice exclaimed.

"shut up will you", said Jungkook as he continued staring in Jimin's eyes as Jimin did the same back.

"oppa, he told me to shut up", she said clinging onto Jimin's arm.

Wait, is she dating Jimin now?!

"Sooyeon, I'm a bit busy right now", said Jimin not losing eye contact with Jungkook.

"ok, that's enough", I said breaking their stare match.

"let's just do this and get it over with", I said grabbing the gear for the paintball fight.

We all slowly walked on the bumpy floor while the dry leaves crunched underneath our feet.

"over there!", I exclaimed as I saw a figure running at the corner of my eye. Jungkook shot the figure which turns out to be another team member.

We kept looking around until a voice pierced through the utter silence.

"we should split up", said Sooyeon. For once she has a good idea.

"your right, I'll go with Jungk-"

"Jimin go with Jungkook, I'll go with Hana", she said cutting me off.

"what?! No way!!!!!", exclaimed Jimin. Sooyeon stared him down until he did what he was told.

"come on", she said as slight smirk appeared on her lips.


We walked around for a few minutes until we heard a noise.

"I think it came from over there", said Sooyeon pointing towards a bush near the edge of a small cliff.

I walked closer to see what was around the bush.

"keep going", she whispered as I felt a sudden suspense in the air.

I looked behind the bush to see nothing. I was about to walk away when I felt force on my back making me tumble down the cliff.


I fell inside a pit as my back and legs were aching from the impact. I slowly got up to take in my surroundings.

"hello!?", I said as nothing, but the echoing of my voice appeared.

"is anybody there?!", I shouted.

"please HELP me!!!!", I screamed as I wrapped my arms around my legs.

"someone, please...", I whispered as darkness took over me...

Jungkook's POV

"we've been looking for agesssss", Jimin whined as I rolled my eyes.

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