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Pairing: Luke Hemmings/Gracie Quinn

Rating: PG-13

A/N: This is my first Luke fanfic, feedback would be pretty rad.


"Come here Gracie, sit next to us." My few friends called in the cafeteria.

I was the new girl in this school, my mum and I moved from England to Australia after my dad was charged with domestic violence and child abuse. It was hard to make friends, since back home I only had two, but I made three new ones: Celeste or Cel; the sweetest girl you'd know but is very slow in the brain, Indie; opposite of Celeste and always declares 'I do what I want I'm punk rock!", and Alex; your best guy friend who everyone thinks is gay but he's not, he always gives the best guy advice and is always there for you in a brotherly way.

I sat next to them, carelessly dropping my bag and books on the seat next to me. We ate our lunches quietly until Celeste started speaking, telling me the names of everyone sitting at lunch so I could get to know them.

"The girls sitting over there are the cheerleaders, they think they are the prettiest girls in the world and they can't accept no's as an answer, they are basically daddy's little girl. The blond girl playing with her hair is Kelsey Hamilton, she is one of the most annoying girls you can ever meet. Your typical white girl, she has dated basically every guy here." Celeste said.

"Every guy except me..." Alex butt in.

"The guys playing with the ball over there are from the football team, they are hot." Indie stated. "The tall guy with the big muscles is Dylan Williams, he's the team's captain and also Kelsey's current boyfriend. She always dates the most popular guy at school and everyone knows she's only looking for the d until she gets bored and moves onto the next." Cel noted, while rolling her eyes and continuing to pick at her salad.

"The guys over there are the rich boys in this school." Alex said pointing at a table with four guys.

"Their names are Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Michael Clifford and you see that blue eyed boy with the leather jacket, his name is Luke Hemmings. He is Kelsey's ex and he thinks he can get everthing he wants with just the snap of his long fingers. Michael, Ashton and Calum are the same, they are all assholes." Indie explained.

"Heyy!" Celeste complained.

"Okay except for Calum." Indie added.

"He's my boyfriend, and he's not an asshole. He's different, he's sweet and really good in-"

"Okay we get it, you don't need to say it and I don't want to hear it." Alex said, squeezing his eyes shut and leaning back into the plastic chair he was slouched in.

"You guys aren't even dating you just wish he would give you the time of day but he just uses you I wish you'd see that." Indie continued to prod at Celeste. She just flipped her the bird as her response.

I wasn't really paying attention to them I was just staring at this blue eyed boy named Luke, his blond hair looked so fluffy and it was a crime not think about kissing his rosy pierced lips. He suddenly turned around and caught me staring, he smirked and played with his piercing.

"Damn it." I said, a bit too loud, my friends' heads whipping in my direction.

"What?" Celeste asked.

"Nothing." I said but Indie was too smart and she quickly caught on.

"You were staring at Luke, weren't you?." She asked with a little smirk on her perfect red lipstick stained lips.

"I wasn't." I lied. I wasn't really in the mood to argue wether or not I was staring because everyone knew I was.

"Be careful, he's trouble..." Alex warned. "Last year he punched me in the gut because I told the teacher I saw him with a stash of pot in his locker.

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