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A/N: so hi here's the 3rd chapter! I know I should've update last weekend as well but I got overwhelmed with all my school work since it's nearing the end of school. Anyway hope you like this chapter. sorry for any typos...


10352... 10354... 10356... ugh what a bitch.

I couldn't believe that Cel ditched me. She promised she would've picked me up but she called 10 minutes before the time she said she would be here to say that she's already at the party and Calum doesn't want her to leave.

I slowly drove by each house quickly glancing at the number above the door, then to a scrap of paper which had the address of the house I was looking for sloppily scribbled in black ink, and then to the badly lit road in front of me.

Maybe I heard the directions wrong.

Just as I was going to turn around and go home, I spotted a house with bright lights and blaring music. This must be the place. I parked a block away and threw my keys into my bag and confidently walked towards the party house.

Red cups littered the front yard and there were couples making out all over the place, not caring if anyone saw. All the girls had really short dresses that barely covered their ass, their cheap underwear on full display. All these bodies grinding made me feel sick as I walked through the door, and seeing the model-like teenagers made my self confidence drop like the ball in Times Square on New Year's Eve.

"GRACIE YOU MADE IT!" Celeste shouted over the extremely loud music. I'd been to many rock concerts but this music was over the top, and the type of music made it even worse.

"Yeah I did, after you ditched me..." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey I'm sorry, but I can't help Calum wanting some of this." She said, motioning to her ass, then giggling.

"By the way there's some people I want you to meet." she said dragging me behind her, me clumsily tripping over everything.

"Hey guys this is the Gracie I was talking about..." Celeste pulled me down onto the couch next to her. I blushed.

They had been talking about me?

Four pairs of eyes met mine and my self confidence dropped even more (if that was even possible) as I saw Kelsey staring straight at me.

"Luke's been looking for you." a boy with curly hair and a bright smile said, he looked like the drummer of Luke's band but I wasn't completely sure and I didn't want to embarrass myself if he wasn't.

"H-he has?" Wow great first impression. The boy with the curly hair, who was sitting in between Calum and who I assumed was another one of their mates, nodded.

"He's been making laps around the house scanning the faces of every girl in a black dress and embarrassing himself when he's caught staring. Lame little fuck. You've got him whipped. He's a lucky guy, might I add." He explained, winking.

"Uh we're just friends-"

"That's not what he said..." this boy was very subtle and I didn't even know his name. "Oh speaking of the devil..." everyone turned around but I already knew who it was.

"Gracie Quinn there you are how are you love?" he bent down and kissed me cheek, earning a few wolf whistles.

"It's just Gracie." I whispered shyly.

"Let's dance." Luke said, suddenly pulling me to my feet and handing me a red cup. I didn't know what was in it but I drank it anyway. Might as well.

"Luke I can't dance." I protested.

" I don't care- wait fuck." He stopped shortly and I bumped into his back. Luke looked tense so I peeked around him to see what he was staring at. In front of him was Dylan Williams, 'the biggest asshole you'll ever meet, other than Luke.' Indie had said.

"If you don't mind please step aside, I would like to dance with my girlfriend." Luke said firmly, grabbing my hand and squeezing it forcefully.


"Girlfriend? Ha I bet you haven't even fucked that bitch," he then turned his attention to me. "you just wait, once he gets in your pants he'll drop you and move onto the next." Dylan taunted. Luke squeezed my hand harder, if that was possible, and glared at him. It was clear that these two did not barbecue together on the weekends. After 3 long seconds of the two glaring at each other, Luke finally pushed past him and dragged me into the crowd of sweaty teenagers. We had finished our drinks by then and had strewn the empty cups onto the floor.

"Sorry about that," Luke said, pulling my hips against his. Dark Horse by Katy Perry came on.

"This one part of the song sounds demonic..." I commented, looking down at his warm hands on my waist.

"I KNOW!" Luke shouted, excitedly. He had a little smile on his face and it was probably the cutest thing I'd seen.

The song ended and he gently held my hand, pulling me away from everyone. I noticed many guys staring at us.

Are they jealous? They look jealous. Of Luke? They're looking at Luke. I hope they don't think we're hooking up.

We walked out the glass sliding doors to the patio and back yard. It wasn't nearly as crowded as the front yard but it still had it's small crowd of horny teenagers.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Luke mumbled, looking me in the eyes. This is the first time I noticed truly how blue his eyes were, I wouldn't mind getting lost in them for a few hours.

"It's fine," I assured. I took a deep breath, taking in as much cool air as I good then letting it all out.

"No I mean before, at your house. I didn't know what got into me. I'd say that it was because I was drunk but I know that that's not an excuse..." He blabbered on.

"Luke, I said it's okay. I'm sitting next to you now so obviously I'm not mad." I said quietly, grabbing his arm in assurance. I felt his muscles tense as my I held him gently.

"Why are you so nice to me? I don't deserve a friend like you, I'm just a huge fuck up." Luke sighed, starting to stand up.

"No you're not, Luke, sit down. I want to help you." I said. Did I really, or did I just not want him to leave my side?

"Ha, help me? You don't realise that so many people have tried helping me but I end up hurting them. I don't want the same thing to happen to you. I don't want a repeat of what happened to Chelsea." He raised his voice, frustratingly running his fingers through his hair.

Chelsea? Am I missing something?

"Well maybe I can help, I know I can, Luke give me a chance." I stood up in front of him. I was nothing compared to him, his tall structure and broad shoulders versus me with my tiny, frail figure.

"It takes a bit more than you." he huffed, jabbing one of his long fingers at me. There were many eyes on us, wanting to know what the drama was about. Like moths with the light, attracted to any little spot they can get. Luke turned on his heel and shuffled back into the house.

"What the hell are you all looking at?!" I yelled, at no one in particular. Everyone went back to whatever they were doing, thank god, and left me alone. What great way to start my very first high school party.

After a few minutes to calm down and return my breathing to a normal rhythm, I texted Indie to come pick me up, along with the address of where I was. I knew I should've stayed home.


A/N: wow my writing just keeps getting worse and worse im sorry :-( I hope this chapter was okay and if anyone even reads it here's a sincere thank you you're all so rad.

Xx addy.

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