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Am not pretty am so fat am not good enough, why do you listen to those words from your negetive side every one have that negative side but it only work after you look on the mirror , look on your self , how is your face white dark eyes tall hair? These maybe for you ugly for other people they only wish to have the same , you are having short hair dark skin and colored eyes well that is mostly my best look, well if you don't like it you have yo choose

1- not to ask peoples opinion but yours

2-don't care what the negetive comments says

3-think how many people in the world likes you if 1 you are lucky for this person becouse though no one likes you he/she still catch you and will never leave you

4-do what is needed, for example if your skin is oily you can search where there will be some clues to help

5-love your self

And at last

Am telling you

You are beautiful

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