Ch 1. A New Journey Awaits

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"Mackenzie you've been in bed all day! Go do something adventurous!" My mom shouts entering my room.

"I don't even know where to start! I thought my life will be complete after finishing the league, but I just feel so...empty." I sigh covering myself with my blanket.

My mother chuckles and she rips the blankets right off of me and throws my backpack on me.

"Ow! What was that for?" I say pouting and sit up.

"Maybe Professor Oak can help you figure out on what to do next. Sitting around here all day is not going to make things happen." She says crossing her arms.

I smile at her and stand up and hug her. "Thanks mom. Come on Eevee!" I shout to my partner who was sunbathing on the window and she jumps down and follows me out the house and we run for Professor Oak's lab.

I see the laboratory in sight and run up the many stairs and knock on his door.

"Professor it's me! Open up!" I shout.

The door opens and I see Gary, Professor Oak's grandson. He has his lab coat on and his Umbreon is by his side. He opens the door wider for me to come in and I enter with Eevee by my side and smile politely at him.

"Hey Gary, it's been a while." I said.

"It sure has been, my grandfather is at his desk if you're looking for him." He points and he leaves to go back to doing whatever he was doing.

"Thanks." I say and walk and sure enough the Professor is hunched over his desk writing things down in his journal with Tracy drawing a picture of the professor at work.

"Hello Professor, and hello Tracy." I wave as I enter the room.

"Hey Kenny." Tracy says my nickname that he gave me and waves as he places his sketchbook down and comes over to give me a quick hug.

"Oh Mackenzie, your mother called me before you came. I see that you're ready for another journey." He says lifting his head up from his work.

"Yes, staying home all day was fun for awhile, but I'm ready for some excitement." I say.

"Did you have any region in mind?" Tracy asks.

I shrug at him. "I was thinking the Hoenn region. I heard they had some really powerful trainers there. By the way Professor what are you researching?" I ask as he looks back at his notes then looks back at me.

"My friend from the Kalos region just sent over some of his studies on Mega evolution and he wanted me to have a look."

"Didn't Ash just leave for the Kalos region?" Tracy asks.

"You mean Delia Ketchum's son?" I ask intrigued by the topic of the trainer.

"Yes, he came home from Unova and boom went straight for Kalos." The Professor explains.

"He's a really strong trainer, he's working on to becoming a pokemon master." Tracy says and I nod.

"I want to meet this kid. Sounds like a worthy battle oppenent." I smirk.

"So that means you're heading for the Kalos region?" Tracy asks and I nod.

"Kalos region here I come."


After talking with the Professor and Tracy some more, I learned more about this Mega evolution which seems to only be happening in the Kalos region at the moment. It sounds like a great strategy that would help me become a stronger trainer.

Professor Oak told me when my charmeleon evolves into charizard I can start practicing Mega Evolution. I left after thanking the two and head back home to my mother to tell her where I'm headed. She gave me the big mom speech and congratulated me and wished me luck.

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