Ch 5. Shock Me With Your Best Shot

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We were making our way through the Lumiose badlands to get to Lumiose City for Ash's and I next gym battle which happens to be against Clemont!

"I get that this place is not really filled with a million plants and beautiful flowers, but that doesn't mean it should be called bad lands." I say as I look around where we are walking. I had both Eevee and Azura out and they were happily playing while we were walking.

"Well as soon as we pass here, we will be closer to Lumiose City." Serena says checking her map.

"Clemont?" Bonnie calls for her brother who is slowly trying to catch up and me and Bonnie giggle.

"Sorry I kept you guys waiting." He says as he walks up to us.

"Its fine, you good back there?" Ash asks from ahead of all of us.

"Yeah I'm just fine." Clemont says dusting himself off.

"Once we get to Lumiose City lets have our battle right away." Ash says with a thumbs up and I scoff.

"Excuse me, he's having a battle with me first." I say.

"No he's having a battle with me first." Ash says glaring at me and I glare at him.

"Right because ladies first." I say winking then walking ahead of him laughing.

"Huh?" He says confused.

"She called you a lady." I hear Bonnie giggle and she walks beside me.

Azura climbs up on Bonnie's shoulder and snuggles against her and Eevee climbs up on my shoulder making me giggle.

"Azura sure does like to cuddle." Bonnie giggles as she rubs Azura's chin.

"I think it's because I smothered her when we first met. I would always carry her even when she didn't want me too. I eventually had to push her away so that she can grow her independence and have a strong back bone. Now she's all tough and is more outgoing, but deep inside she's still the girly girl who likes to snuggle." I explain.

"I think we should stop for lunch, it's seems to be the perfect timing." Clemont says and we all stop.

"Good, because I'm starving." Ash whines and rubs his stomach, to which on que growls.

"There's a shock." Bonnie says and we all laugh.

Clemont and Ash unfold the folding table and set it up. Serena and Bonnie start to clean the table while I start cooking. Eevee helps me adding the ingredients and Azura helps to stir.

I get all the plates all ready in a line and arrange them.

"The dishes are all clean." Serena says smiling looking satisfied of her work.

"Make sure to eat enough buddy, you can't battle on an empty stomach." Ash says to Pikachu who lets out a sound of agreement. Azura and Eevee leave to sit at the table and I stand there to stir the food some more.

"Hey Clemont I'm going to start on the pokemon food, you think you can take over?" I ask and he stands up from the table nodding.

"It will be my pleasure." He says and goes to where the food is at. I get everyone's bowls ready and add enough food for each pokemon. I grab the tray of food and walk with Chespin and Azura jumping at my feet.

"Guys relax I'm going to feed you." I say while laughing.

I set a bowl down for Pikachu, Luxio, Dedenne, Azura, Eevee, and Fenniken. They all start to eat their food happily and I smile. I smell smoke and turn around to see a dazed Clemont watching the food.

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