"Actions are only judged by intention; each person shall be rewarded only for that which he intended"(Bukhari a d Muslim)
All human being share the same basic needs to feel needed, to be appreciated respected and loved.with out these needs human being cannot really be said to be human.
Embarking on a marriage is really very similar to beginning the construction of a building,which the foundation upon is built, if those foundations are not secure the building will not survive when the storms and shocks hit it.
There are really two key to happy married life: love of Allah and to seek to apply His principle in every situation and relationship.
Second is to do a little sensible soul-searching and analysis before embarking on such an important mission, are u making a most profound commitments in the whole of your life,and is going to affect the lives and well being and so many people not just you?
What does a person want from marriage?
What are your values and your goals and how do you expect to achieve them?
We have physical and emotional needs then we have spiritual need for inner peace and contentment. We need to feel at home with our partner whose way of life is compatible with our own sense of morality. So,when we are about to embark upon marriage, we need to be aware of how we feel about all these issues and also how our chosen partner feels.of course it is impossible yo sit and talk about it 5 minutes nevertheless it is sensible to at least be aware of the issue even if we cannot come up with the answers, and have to talk about it frankly to the intended spouse. For if only one half of the partner is happy and fulfilled by the relationship, it will not be long before both are affected.Compatibility.
People intending to marry need to know from the onset whether or not they are compatible with each other.some times when one has fallen in love, one is almost in a state of sickness, which impairs the mental state often the person is so besotted with the beloved that they simply cannot see things that are wrong with the other or if they can, they assure that their love for each other is powerful and strong that it will overcome all obstacles.
If a man and woman have totally different taste interest, pastime and type of friends it is certain that the marriage will soon come to strain. Family background often have a great deal to do with set of values people have when their background is similar, they will probably find it easier to grow together. How ever Allah and his messenger have stated that people from widely different background can make very good marriage so long their attitudes to their religion is compatible.
People are not perfect of course, we all have shortcomings, a spouse might not be aware of his or her shortcomings before marriage, but will certainly pick up this awareness pretty soon afterwards.
Some men and women never give up their dream lovers ideals created in their own fantasies. They spend a life time hankering after that ideal or trying to mould the one they have into that ideal,by molding we occasion ally mean force. Lastly, those who simply close their eyes and minds to unpleasant details before marriage will certainly have to face them later. It is vitally important for husband and wife to see the other person as he or she really is and also to be honest in presenting their true selves to partners. Marriage based on fantasies, fakery and illusion are doomed.

Bride To Be,Groom To Be
EspiritualThere are numbers of verses in the Qur'an which relates to marriage directly or indirectly. The goals at which married couple needs in a marriage are rightly listed for an ideal marriage. Though it can be difficult for some to practice, try it and i...