Chapter 4 - The Lacrosse Miracle

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Lacrosse was a violent sport. 

Even with a helmet, gloves and paddings any player could get hurt. That had never deterred Scott from playing. He found lacrosse to be a great way to let go of his frustrations, to simply forget about his day and lose himself in the game. That was why he had trained so hard all summer long, that and, well, the fact that lacrosse players were popular at school didn't hurt. Especially now that a certain dark haired girl had joined the picture. The girl in question was sitting in the bleachers, watching him and the other players as they practiced. Lydia and Jamie were with her, the three of them laughing at something Scott didn't hear, for a change.

Now sporting his lacrosse jersey, Stiles joined him on the edge of the field. He wasn't pleased with Scott's plan to make first line and he didn't let it go unnoticed.

"Just think about this. If you play I'll have no one to talk to on the bench. You really gonna do that to your best friend?"

"I can't sit out again. My whole life is sitting on the sidelines," Scott complained but resolve could be heard in his voice as he spoke again, "This season I'm making first line."

Scott turned around and caught Allison's gaze. She smiled at him, he was about to smile back when a loud voice startled him.

"McCall!" Coach called, "You're in goal!"

Coach then threw a lacrosse stick at Scott, making the boy drop his belongings on the floor to catch it. He also gave him a helmet and Scott feared he was about to need it.

"But Coach, I've never played goal," the teenager protested.

"I know. Scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost. It's a first day back thing. Get them energized, fired up!" Coach explained his tactic to the newly appointed goalie while gesturing wildly.

"What about me?" Scott inquired, worried about his own safety.

"Try not to take any in the face" was Coach's only advice. The man walked away, leaving a confused Scott take position in front of the goal. Still, his main concerned was Allison. The boy was trying to listen to what the new girl was saying but the only sound he heard was a whistle. It was a very loud sound, especially with his newly enhanced hearing. Scott stumbled back in pain, clutching his ears over his helmet. Not missing a beat, one of the players on the field charged at the goal. The player whipped his lacrosse stick forward, sending the ball flying towards the goal... only for it to connect directly with Scott's helmet. The teen fell on his back as everyone laughed at him.

"Way to catch it with your face, McCall!" someone yelled, probably Jackson.

His cheeks flushed, Scott stood up again. This time, his attention was focused on the lacrosse practice. When the whistle blew again, he was ready. The opposing player ran towards the goal, the ball in his net, before firing it straight at the goal. Scott kept his eyes on the ball. He saw it flying towards him, he saw how it was slightly spinning. It was like his body acted on his own; before he knew it, the ball was in his net. He had caught it. Loud cheers were heard from the bleachers. The opposing player as well as some other of his teammates were staring at him with surprised looks on their faces. Scott McCall had caught the ball. Wanting to check if it had been a stroke of luck, player after player tried scoring while Scott guarded the goal. None of them succeeded.

In the bleachers, Allison looked impressed. She had never really been interested in lacrosse -- all she knew about the sport was that it was violent. However, she could tell that Scott was a great player, perhaps the best on the team.

"It seems like he's pretty good," she told Lydia and Jamie.

"Very good," Lydia answered. Jamie nodded, looking at his friend like he didn't recognize him. Scott had never been a great player. Maybe his intense training had paid off? Everyone had their gaze fixated on Scott, who stood proud, lacrosse stick in hand. Jackson too, was looking at the brown haired boy. He gripped his lacrosse stick, almost strangling it and glared at Scott. The team captain launched forward, firing the ball with as much strength as he could muster. Only for Scott to catch it.

Stiles let out a holler and jumped up while Allison, Lydia and Jamie cheered loudly from the bleachers. Grinning, Scott looked at his friends, thinking maybe his dream of making first line wasn't so far out of reach.

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