Chapter 17 - Batman and the Lame Sidekicks

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"That's it? You just need to go back inside the bus?"

Stiles, Scott and Jamie were sitting inside Stiles' Jeep, right in front of the school parking lot. It was night and the place had an eerie atmosphere, especially with the police tape all around the bus they were trying to break into. Scott was sitting in the back, his two best friends turned around in their seats to face him.

"Yeah," Scott explained. "Derek said to let my senses remember for me."

"So you just get in, take in the smell of sweat and old bus seats and then you magically remember everything?" Jamie asked in disbelief.

There had to be a catch, this was way too easy. Scott just shrugged and got out of the car. Seeing their friend leave, Stiles and Jamie exchanged a look. Were they supposed to follow? Stiles decided he wouldn't hide away in the Jeep while Scott was braving the unknown, so he moved to open his door.

"Wait no, someone needs to keep watch!" Scott shooed him away before he could even set foot on the ground.

"Why is it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin?" Stiles complained.

"Wait, if he's Batman and you're Robin, what does that make me?" Jamie wondered out loud.

"Batgirl? Catwoman?" Stiles offered with an apologetic look.

"Oh my God, just stay in the car! Both of you!"

Once again fed up with hid friends, Scott stomped away and headed towards the bus. Thanks to his enhanced hearing, he could still follow his friends' conversation.

"I don't want to be Robin all the time..."

"At least you're not some girl with an unrealistic body and a leather suit..." he heard Jamie sigh. "I mean, who even wears leather suits? Its not like they're convenient!"

Scott shook his head and focused on the task ahead of him. He needed to remember, to know if he was really capable of attacking anyone who simply had the misfortune of crossing his path. He wasn't yet aware of the damage he could do in his wolf form, but it was clear his claws and fangs were not there for decoration.

Having reached the bus, Scott carefully placed his hand on the cold metal door. There was dried blood on it. Keeping Derek's advice in mind, Scott tentatively inhaled. The metallic taste of blood invaded his mouth, making him cringe in disgust. Recognizing the scent, he frowned. 

It was his blood on the door, not the driver's.

Intrigued, Scott climbed the few steps leading to the inside of the bus. Some seats were torn, visible claw marks adorning them. The werewolf crunched up his nose in, the smell of blood was overwhelming. Strangely, most of it was his. The driver couldn't have possibly injured him enough to bleed, so it begged the question of how Scott's blood arrived on these seats. Pondering the thought, Scott turned around and almost lost his balance when a memory hit him.

Images appeared in front of his eyes, just like in a dream -- a terrible dream. Scott saw himself inside the bus, tearing at the seats and even throwing one in front of him. Allison was on the floor, terrified and trying to escape. Scott instinctively stepped towards her to protect her from harm. The vision suddenly shifted, revealing that it wasn't Allison on the floor, it was the bus driver. The older man was screaming in fear, a hand reaching out to Scott. He was begging for help. And just like that, what exactly happened dawned on Scott. His memory was restored and the investigation, finished.

Feeling a weight lifted off his shoulders, Scott let out a relieved breath. He focused on reality again and was startled by a loud noise. There were voices calling him and a horn honking frenetically. Recognizing his friends and understanding something was yet again wrong, Scott took off and quickly reached the Jeep. He was right to hurry: a patrol car was driving to the parking lot and enforcing the curfew they had so readily ignored. Scott used of his supernatural speed to get back to his seat in time, earning a startled reaction from Stiles and a snicker from Jamie.


No one bothered replying. Stiles could barely contain his impatience as he fled the scene, careful to avoid the patrol car. As soon as they were far enough, he stopped the car again and turned to face Scott.

"So? Did it work? Did you remember? Did you attack the driver?"

"Jesus, Stiles, let the man breathe!" Jamie answered straight away -- he had anticipated the list of questions. Scott shot him a thankful look.

"Yeah I remember now. It wasn't me who attacked the driver, it was someone else."

"Derek?" Stiles perked up, full of hope. His friends looked at him weirdly.

"I don't know, all I saw was glowing eyes," Scott admitted.

"Let's hope it was Derek then," Jamie stated firmly. "I don't know about you guys, but I feel two werewolves are enough in this town."

His friends readily agreed. As usual, something didn't sit right with Stiles and he felt obliged to contradict Jamie's optimistic theory.

"But why would Derek help you remember he attacked the driver?"

"That's what I don't get," Scott sighed.

"Well, we all know nice little Derek isn't exactly a criminal mastermind," Jamie offered. "He did bury the body of a murder victim in his own backyard, him openly revealing he attacked someone doesn't seem so far-fetched to me."

"Good point." Stiles nodded, his eyebrows furrowed. "Do you really think he's that stupid though?"

"Or maybe it's a wolf thing!" Jamie exclaimed loudly, startling Scott. "Like a ritual, a way of welcoming a new wolf into the pack! Like, you do the kill together!"

"Jamie, that's just gross," Stiles replied flatly.

"Yeah, and ripping someone's throat isn't exactly what I call a bonding experience," Scott added.

"Good to know, I'll take it off my 'bonding activities' list."

At loss for words, Scott simply stared at his blond friend, wondering if the supernatural world was turning the rather nice but sometimes blunt teen into a complete psychopath. Stiles just laughed it off and put the conversation back on its tracks.

"At least you didn't hurt anyone, which is good, right?"

"Yeah, it means that--" Jamie started but was interrupted by Scott.

"I can go out with Allison," Scott smiled cheerily.

"I was going to say, 'It means that you won't kill us' but it's good to know where your priorities are," Jamie continued in an emotionless tone.

"Oh right, that's good news too," Scott quickly agreed.

"Now stop smiling. You look like an idiot."

The teens laughed, in a much lighter mood than earlier that day. For once, things hadn't taken a turn for the worst or the unexpected. All they had left to do was figure out what Derek was doing in Beacon Hills.

That, and watch Scott fail at bowling.

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