Chapter 12 - The Wolfsbane Incident

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The night had fallen when Scott, Stiles and Jamie arrived at the Hale house. The teens were waiting inside Stiles' Jeep, hidden behind the trees. Derek's car was still parked in front of the house, for obvious reasons they had to wait until he was gone to start digging.

After what seemed like a lifetime, Derek got out and drove away. No wasting a second, the teens approached the house. Scott pointed to a patch of freshly turned dirt and the trio, well-armed with shovels and flashlights, started digging. It was an exhausting task. Not many words were exchanged, although Scott warned his friends that something was different about the scent -- but he was not quite sure what.

The three of them were anxious to get this over with, they certainly did not want Derek to come back and catch them digging up his front lawn. After almost half an hour of digging, Scott started to feel impatient.

"This is taking way too long... what if he comes back?"

"Then we get the hell out of here," Jamie stated matter-of-factly.

"What if he catches us?" Scott asked.

"I have a plan for that," Stiles intervened, "You run one way, Jamie and I run the other. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

"I hate this plan." Scott protested.

Jamie was about to answer something clever when his shovel came into contact with something that wasn't dirt.

"Guys, stop digging!"

The three of them threw their shovels aside and crouched to the ground, using their hands to get rid of the earth covering what Jamie had found. It was large, large enough to be the body. A sack was secured around it with a rope. The teens immediately started untying the rope but the task was tedious.

"Hurry!" Scott instructed.

"We're trying!"

"Did he have to tie that thing in like, nine hundred knots?" Stiles added, exasperated.

"I'll do it." Scott then proceeded untying the whole rope, knot after knot. Jamie got out of the hole they had dug up and he was shortly joined by Stiles. Finally, Scott managed to uncover the body. Except it wasn't a human body. It was a wolf.

"What the hell?" Jamie exclaimed, looking at Scott for an explanation.

"I told you something was different!" Scott countered. The scent had been similar to what he had smelled in the morgue but something was out of place. He now knew why.

"This doesn't make sense..." Stiles muttered.

"We gotta get out of here," Scott added, starting to panic. This was not part of the plan.

That was when something out of place caught the blue-eyed teen's attention. It was a purple flower, sticking out of the ground just next to the grave. Somehow, it looked familiar to Jamie.

"Guys, do you see that?" Jamie asked, pointing at the flower. "I think it's wolfsbane."

"What's that?" Scott inquired, confused. His friends looked at him, appalled. Jamie was resisting the urge of face palming. Once again, Scott was clueless.

"Seriously, Scott? Haven't you ever seen the Wolf Man?"

Scott shook his head.

"Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains?" Stiles listed, "The original, classic werewolf movie?"

"Or any other werewolf movie, for that matter?" Jamie butted in.

"No! What?" Scott didn't like the looks his friends were giving him.

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